


Today we are going to learn about the poppy plant .
What is Poppy – It is a type of oilseed, known as poppyseeds in English, posto in Bengali, gasagasalu in Telugu etc. These seeds are obtained from a plant called poppy. The scientific name of poppy is Pepevar somniferum. It is mainly grown in Central European countries. It is used in many ways in the creation of regional cuisines. Apart from this, oil is also extracted from its seeds.


After knowing what poppy is, let’s find out about its different types below –


Types of Poppy –
After knowing the subject of poppy, know further about the types of It :

Blue Poppy – It is also called European Poppy because it is mostly seen in bread and confectionery (sweet and chocolate).

White poppy – It is also called Indian or Asian poppy. It is used in most recipes.

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Oriental poppy – also called opium poppy, from which opium is produced.

Benefits of Poppy –
It has many benefits for the body. It can be used to treat problems like constipation to deadly diseases like cancer. This food with small seeds is rich in nutrients like calories, protein, fat, fiber, calcium, phosphorus and iron. It can be used for everything from internal health to skin and hair. Learn about the health benefits of poppy seeds below:

Health Benefits of Poppy –

1. Aids in digestion
It seeds can be used for stomach problems. This food is rich in special nutrients like fiber, which helps in relieving stomach related problems like constipation and gas etc. In addition, fiber can also help prevent colon cancer. Consuming it regularly will help maintain gut health.

2. Mouth ulcers
Mouth ulcers can bother anyone. These blisters are painful, which target the tongue and lips etc. A person affected by this has to face problems in eating, brushing teeth and talking. At the same time, poppy seeds have a cooling effect, so it can help soothe stomach heat and relieve mouth ulcers. More studies are needed on the better effect of Its seeds on oral ulcers.

3. Improvement in sleep
People suffering from sleep problems can use poppy seeds. In fact, a research related to this mentions that Its seeds have been used for centuries to treat insomnia. However, how this works requires further research. Here we explain that poppy is sold in the market after it is completely cleaned. So, It used in homes is opium free.

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4. Improvement in fertility of women
The benefits of It do not end here, its use can improve the fertility of women. According to researchers in the Netherlands and Australia, flushing the fallopian tubes with poppy seed oil can help with fertility. The fallopian tube is the passage through which the egg travels from the ovary to the uterus. At the same time, another research published on the NCBI website suggests that Vitamin-E can improve reproductive health. Therefore, women going through the reproductive period are advised to consume vitamin-E rich foods. In the same research, the name of It has also been included in foods rich in vitamin-E. Therefore, it can be assumed that consumption of poppy seeds as an alternative source of vitamin-E can improve fertility in women.

5. Bone health
There are many benefits of It seeds for bones. It is rich in nutrients like calcium, zinc and copper. Both these elements help in strengthening and developing bones. According to one study, copper and zinc combined with calcium supplements can play an effective role in preventing spinal cord damage.

Bone health requires the right amount of both calcium and phosphorus. It seeds are rich in phosphorus, which along with calcium benefits the bones.

6. Brain health
There are many benefits of poppy seeds for brain development. It is rich in nutrients like calcium, iron and copper , which are known to increase brain power. The calcium present in it balances the neuronal function as well as improves memory. You can include It seeds in your diet to improve brain function.

7. Increases immunity
The zinc and iron present in It seeds can help strengthen your immune system. Iron helps in carrying oxygen in the body and improves the immune system. At the same time, zinc plays a role in the growth and development of new cells

8. Heart health
It seeds are rich in dietary fiber, which reduces cholesterol levels and prevents heart damage. According to a study, the amount of cholesterol in foods can be reduced with Poppy Seed Oil. This proves that adding poppy oil to the diet can keep the heart healthy. Apart from this, the omega-6 fatty acids present in It seeds can also prevent heart disease.

9. Rami Hai Energy
It can help you to increase the flow of energy in the body. This food is rich in nutrients like carbohydrates, which are considered to be an important source of energy in the diet . You can consume It for energy supply and energy balance in the body.


10. Improvement in vision
Khaskhas Jinka is a good source. According to one study, zinc may reduce the risk of age-related macular degeneration (eye disease). Therefore, poppy seeds can be included in the diet as a source of zinc.

11. Treatment of stones

It can be an effective alternative for kidney stone sufferers. In fact, a research related to this mentions that excess accumulation of calcium can cause kidney stones. At the same time, oxalate is found in poppy seeds, which can control the amount of calcium in the body and prevent the problem of kidney stones.

12. Constipation
It seeds can also be consumed to relieve stomach related problems like constipation. It seeds are rich in fiber and fiber is considered to be the most helpful nutrient for the digestive system. Fiber makes the stool soft and helps in bowel movement

13. Pain reliever

It seeds can also be used to relieve pain. Poppy helps in relieving pain by influencing the pain signals coming from the nervous system.

14. Respiratory health
Zinc present in poppy seeds can also play an important role here. It acts as a cytoprotective agent against inflammation and toxins in the respiratory tract. Zinc is considered an important element for lung health, which can play an effective role in the treatment of asthma

15. Cancer prevention
According to one report, poppy seeds can increase the activity of a carcinogen-detoxifying enzyme called glutathione-S-transferase (GST) by up to 78 percent. Poppy that this activity can prevent cancer

According to a report, poppy has also been known as a traditional medicine for cancer. Reports suggest that poppy can be used as an effective medicine for conditions like skin, stomach, uterine and vaginal cancer.

16. Beneficial in Thyroid
Poppy seeds contain selenium, which plays an important role in improving thyroid function, which can relieve symptoms of hypo and hyperthyroidism.

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17. Diabetes
People suffering from diabetes can consume poppy seeds. It is rich in fiber, which can work effectively on type 2 diabetes. However, this still requires further research

Poppy seeds are also rich in magnesium. According to a report, magnesium deficiency can increase the risk of developing diabetes. Studies show that taking magnesium supplements has helped people who have or are at risk for diabetes.

Note – Excessive doses of magnesium may cause stomach cramps and diarrhea.

18 Analgesic effect
As we have mentioned above that good amount of calcium, phosphorus, zinc and manganese is found in poppy, so it is believed that it can prove beneficial in joint pain. At the same time, poppy has been used as an analgesic (pain reliever) for a long time. According to a report, poppy seeds tea can help relieve pain. Note that before using it as a pain reliever, consult a doctor.

After knowing the benefits of It for internal health, now we know how beneficial poppy is for the skin.


Benefits of poppy seeds for skin –

Along with internal health, It seeds also have many benefits for the skin. Find out below how It seeds are beneficial for skin-

19. Eczema and swelling
It seeds are rich in linoleic acid, which can help relieve eczema and inflammation . Find out how to use poppy seeds below –

How to use:
Soak two-three spoons of It seeds in water for three-four hours.
Then grind it well with half teaspoon of lemon juice and make a paste.
Apply this paste on the affected area.
This paste will help in relieving skin itching and pain.

20. Skin ko karta hai saaf
It seeds can also be used to cleanse the skin. You can use It seed scrub for this. Learn how to make It seed scrub below –

How to use:
Mix two spoons of It seeds in four spoons of curd well.
Now rub this mixture slowly on the face and neck.
Scrub for about ten minutes and then wash your face with cold water.

21. Karta Hai Moisturize
A paste made from poppy seeds works as a good moisturizer, giving you a glowing and soft skin. Learn how to make poppy seed moisturizer below:

How to use:
Grind two teaspoons of It seeds well with a quarter cup of milk.
Remember to grind it until the paste is smooth.
Now apply this paste on the face for ten minutes and then wash the face with cold water.
After knowing the benefits of It seeds for skin, let us know how poppy seeds benefit hair.

Benefits of poppy seeds for hair –
Apart from health and skin, It seeds are also beneficial for hair. Find out below how to use It seeds for hair:

22. Balon Ka Vikas
It can help you in hair growth. It seeds are rich in Vitamin-E, which helps in hair growth and prevents hair loss. You can make It seeds hair pack for hair. Know how to make It hair pack for hair below:

How to use:
Take a quarter of a cup of coconut milk and add a teaspoon of onion paste to it.
Add two spoons of It seeds in it and keep it soaked for a few hours.
Now blend this mixture well.
Apply the paste on the scalp and hair for an hour and then wash it off with shampoo.
You can repeat this process two to three times a week for hair growth.

23. From Russian
You can also use poppy to get rid of dandruff. It seeds are rich in vitamins, minerals and proteins, which work to make hair healthy. Here’s how you can use It seeds to get rid of dandruff –

How to use:
Mix one spoon of soaked It seeds, two spoons of curd and half a spoon of white pepper and make a paste.
Apply this mixture on the scalp for half an hour and then shampoo.
You can do this remedy two to three times a week for good results.

Source – stylecraze

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Coriander Health Uses


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1 What are the types of poppy ?

2 How is poppy used for bones ?

3 How is poppy used for hair ?

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