Herbal tea / Lemon grass

Herbal tea / Lemon grass

Herbal tea / Lemon grass (classical name: Cymbopogon citratus; English: lemon grass;) is a herbaceous plant native to the tropical and temperate regions of Africa, Europe, Asia and Australia. It is a perennial type of fragrant grass. It grows abundantly in Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala. Its long leaves are boiled with or without tea in cold season to flavor the tea.

Herbal tea / Lemon grass

other names
Grass tea is called Sugandha Trin in Sanskrit, Agyaghas in Hindi, Gandhabena in Sindhi, Harichaya in Sindhi, and Gandhatrin in Bengali.

An aromatic plant. The leaves of these plants are mixed with tea for aroma. Wheat, a plant belonging to the family Poaceae (Gamini) and its scientific name is Cymbopogon citrates. It is native to India and grows in temperate as well as hot regions. India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Thailand etc. It is mainly found in countries. In these countries it is known as Cochin grass. In India, grass tea is cultivated in the states of Maharashtra, Karnataka and Kerala.

This herbaceous perennial and monoecious plant is 1.5-2 m. Grows tall and bushy. The stem (moolastambh) grows in the soil and some part comes to the ground. The roots are coarse, fibrous and very numerous and densely grown. Leaves (Pati) 1-1.5 m. long, tapering at the ends and green.

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The oil is extracted from the leaves by distillation. This oil contains citral, citronellol, myrcene and nirol. The oil is astringent, stimulant, sedative, anthelmintic, laxative, syphilis, skin diseases, leprosy, epilepsy, stomach vata and other disorders. This plant is used for Kapha and Vata disorders. Decoction of leaves is diaphoretic and antipyretic. Aromatic oils are used in cosmetics, as well as perfumes. Leaves are used for storage and as insecticide.

This herbaceous perennial and monoecious plant is 1.5-2 m. Grows tall and bushy. The stem (moolastambh) grows in the soil and some part comes to the ground. The roots are coarse, fibrous and very numerous and densely grown. Leaves (Pati) 1-1.5 m. long, tapering at the ends and green.

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A well-drained, loamy or sandy soil is suitable for grass tea. Due to the hardiness of this grass, it can be grown in a variety of light to heavy soils. In Kerala, this grass is planted on barren and sloping land, thus preventing soil erosion. In general, planting should be done in Kharipa. Seedlings can be obtained from thomba (khunta) and also from seeds.

Herbal tea / Lemon grass

Benefits of herbal tea

Protection against diseases and infections

Herbal tea is found especially in South-East Asia. It smells like lemon. It is mainly used as ginger in tea. Lemon grass has anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-fungal properties, which help protect against many diseases and infections. Green tea leaves are rich in citral, which gives the leaves a lemony smell.


Stomach related problems

Also tea helps in digestion. Its consumption does not cause stomach ulcers and other related problems. Problems like constipation, indigestion, gas or acidity are also reduced by consuming herbal tea.

Diagnosing stone problems:

Consuming lemongrass in spice or tea form also benefits the kidneys, as it has diuretic properties. A normal person must go to the toilet 10 to 12 times a day. Herbal tea helps to keep the kidneys clean. Due to this, there is no problem like stone in kidney.

Reduces the risk of cancer

Lemongrass has carcinogenic properties. It plays an important role in eliminating colonization of cancer cells. If you live with herbal tea in your tea every day, the risk of cancer is greatly reduced.

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To solve the problem of lack of sleep,

People do many types of exercise to lose weight. If you start consuming herbal tea regularly, you can see its positive results soon. Herbal tea quickly reduces unnecessary fat from the body and strengthens the immune system of the body. It detoxifies the body very quickly. Apart from this, lemongrass also cures problems like arthritis, insomnia, depression etc. Along with this, the nervous system of the body is also better with its consumption.

Health benefits of herbal tea:

1. Cold-

Cough: Herbal tea is used for cold-cough and phlegm. Consuming herbal tea can provide relief in colds and coughs. Because it contains a lot of vitamin C. Which can be beneficial for health.

2. Memory:

Lemongrass has brain stimulating properties. Add lemongrass to your diet to boost memory. Its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, properties are considered beneficial for health.

Herbal tea / Lemon grass

3. Constipation:

Lemongrass tea is considered beneficial for stomach problems. Due to the presence of anti-oxidant properties in it, it can work to protect against stomach related diseases like stomachache, constipation, cramps and diarrhea.

4. Weaknesses:

Consuming lemongrass tea is considered highly beneficial for treating anemia. Because it contains iron and calcium properties, we can use it both fresh and dried.

Source – Marathi vishwakosh 

गवती चहा



Coriander Health Uses

Faq – 

1 What is the scientific name of herbal tea ?

2 Which soil is suitable for grass tea ?

3 What are the benefits of herbal tea ?

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