
What is Panchakarma therapy, know what are its benefits?

What is Panchakarma therapy, know what are its benefits?

Many complex and incurable diseases which cannot be treated by medicine alone can be cured easily by Panchakarma. Ayurvedic treatment methods are mainly classified as Shaman and Sodhan. The process of controlling the increased defects in situ is called mitigation. So the process of removing the enlarged doshas from their place and removing them from the body is called as finding. Panchakarmas are considered part of the discovery process. That is why Panchakarmas are also called ‘Shodhan Karmas’. Panchakarma is a specialty of Ayurveda system of medicine which is not found in any medical system.



Snehana:Panchakarma therapy

Under this karma, the disease is cured by the massage of oils (abhyanga) in the body. This massage is done with oil, ghee, fat and marrow.

Swedanam:Panchakarma therapy

Swedanam refers to the treatment of sweating from the body. In this method, with the use of some medicines, the toxins accumulated in the body are removed in the form of sweat, which leads to purification of the body.

Five main types of Panchakarma method
Understand in detail these five actions of Panchakarma therapy

Vomit : Panchakarma therapy

In this process, the huge substances accumulated in the body are removed through Ayurvedic medicines. These toxic substances come out of the body through vomiting. Vamana method has proved to be most beneficial for those patients who are troubled by diseases like obesity, allergies, fever, vitiligo, psoriasis, acidity, chronic dyspepsia, nasal disease, inflammation, psychological disorders, skin disorders and asthma. According to Ayurveda, Kapha dosha is cured by the treatment of Vamana system.

Purging : Panchakarma therapy

By this method the toxins accumulated in the stomach are removed from the body. In this process, mainly Ayurvedic medicines and some liquid decoctions are used. This therapy has proved to be a boon for those people who suffer from diseases like jaundice, chronic fever, diabetes, asthma, skin disorders like ringworm, digestive disorders, constipation, hyperacidity, vitiligo, psoriasis, headache, elephantiasis and gynecological disorders. Is. If there is an excess of pitta in the body, then it is balanced by the virechana method.



Nasyam : Panchakarma therapy

In nasyam karma therapy, medicines are administered through the nose. In this method, the toxic substances accumulated in the patient’s head are removed by nasyam therapy. After this, light massage is also done on the head and shoulders of the patient. People who suffer from Migraine, Headache, PCOD/PCOS, Hormonal imbalance, Trigeminal neuralgia, Improvement in memory and eye sight, Insomnia, Excess mucus, Stimulation of sinus/sinusitis, Hyperpigmentation in face, Pre-mature graying of hair, Headache This ancient medicine works as a panacea for those who are facing problems like migraine clarity, loss of smell and taste, neck discomfort, recurrent rhinitis, nasal disease, neurological dysfunction, paraplegia, neck spondylitis. The removal of Kapha dosha is also done through Nasyam method.



Settlement karma :Panchakarma therapy

Some special Ayurvedic liquids (decoction) are used in the Basti system. These liquids include oil, dhi, milk and other Ayurvedic liquids. Through this method, it helps in curing chronic to chronic disease. This therapy is very effective for such people who have excess of Vata dosha. This method works as “Sanjeevani” in getting rid of Vata dosha. People who are suffering from problems like gout, paraplegia, constipation, digestive disorders, back pain and sciatica, hepatomegaly, obesity, piles, sexual disability, infertility, piles, constipation and obesity, then this system of medicine is very beneficial for them. .

Bloodshot : Panchakarma therapy

Under this medical system, contaminated blood is cured. It is very beneficial in diseases that arise due to defects in the blood. In this process, the contaminated blood is removed from the body by a special Ayurvedic technique. People who have skin related diseases like nail-acne, rheumatic arthritis, skin diseases, pitta dosha like hot flushes in women, hyperacidity, high blood pressure, varicose veins etc., skin diseases, skin related diseases, eczema, etc. The method proves to be very effective.



These are the five main actions of Panchakarma therapy. Apart from this, there are many activities also. like:

Abhyangam / Abhyanga Ayurvedic Massage
Face Treatment – By Herbal Paste
Manya Basti / Unani Basti: By Medicated Oil
Hariya Basti: By Medicinal Oils
Janu Basti: By Medicated Oil
Kizhi Ayurveda Remedy or Potli Sweed
Netra Tarpanam / Akshi Tarpanam
Pijichille Massage
Udvartanam / Ayurvedic Powder Massage- The whole body is gently massaged
Uttar Basti – Use of Medicated Herbal Ghee/Oil
Ayurvedic doctors diagnose diseases very quickly with these Panchakarma therapy. If you want to see the miracle of Ayurveda medicine in a very short time, then definitely consult a good Panchakarma doctor.


Snehan Swedan

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1 What are the five main types of Panchakarma method?

2 What substances are used for basti?

3 What diseases are cured in nasyam?


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