Amazing Shikekai

From an Ayurvedic point of view, Shikekai is not just a hair wash but also full of medicinal properties.

Shikekai contains 11.2 percent saponins (i.e. foaming agents), 12.75 percent malic acid. Shikekai is stimulant, bitter, emetic and cooling.

This is why shikekai is used in case of inflammation.

Shikekai powder is boiled in water and used for bathing.

It destroys dandruff and lice in hair and improves hair growth.

The powder is good for washing damp and hot clothes and tarnished silverware and utensils.

Green color is obtained from turmeric and shikekai leaves.

A chutney of young leaves (made with salt, tamarind and chilies) or leaves with black pepper is good for jaundice