AyurvedaMedicinal plants


Veldode – Cardamom

Veldode – Cardamom is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant that grows in India. Its fruit is also known as cardamom – veldoda, vilachi veldoda, cardamom or Ela. Veldoda is a type of spice. It smells very nice. Veldoda is generally used in sweet foods. cardamom – Veldoda  is also put in the leaves of Vidya. Apart from this, a type of cardamom called badi cardamom is used in spiced rice, pulao, biryani.

Veldode - Cardamom

Where available – Veldode – Cardamom

This plant is native to India. There is a school of thought that Veldoda may have been invented around the eighth century. Cardamom is grown in large quantities mainly in India and Sri Lanka. This crop is also grown in Nepal, Guatemala, Mexico, Thailand and Central America.

usage – Veldode – Cardamom

Veldoda is believed to be a deodorizer, antiemetic, thirst quencher, appetite stimulant and digestive. In the Ayurvedic text Bhavprakash, it is described that Veldoda is useful in asthma, cough, hemorrhoids, urinary disorders.

Cardamom Eating Benefits and Home Uses – Veldode – Cardamom


Medicinal benefits of small Veldode – cardamom are many. If it is used properly, you can cure many diseases. Here are some of its uses (uses of cardamom) and benefits of eating cardamom.

1. Eat cardamom to relieve headache.
Benefits of eating cardamom
Sometimes anxiety and stress cause headaches. Headaches are a common occurrence in today’s life. In this case, grind two small cardamoms, 1 large cardamom and 1 gram of camphor. Applying it on the forehead relieves headaches and tension etc. which are not cured by medicine.

2. Benefits of eating cardamom in impotence and premature ejaculation
Benefits of eating cardamom
Boil 125 mg cardamom seeds powder in milk, add honey to it. Consuming it daily before going to bed is beneficial in stopping impotence and premature ejaculation. But as it is medicinal, cardamom should not be used excessively, otherwise it may cause impotence

3. Benefits of eating cardamom to treat eye problems
Benefits of eating cardamom
In this age of computers and mobiles, our eyes are affected the most. Even young children have started suffering from eye problems and have started wearing glasses. If there is darkness in the eyes, glitter in the eyes or pimples in the eyes, filter the cardamom powder with a fine muslin cloth. Soak in goat urine for three days and dry in shade. Apply this powder on the eyes like black eye. This will purify the eyes and cure all the above diseases.

Eating one cardamom with a spoonful of honey daily improves eyesight, strengthens the nervous system and protects the general health of the eyes.

Veldode - Cardamom

4. There will be less mouth problems Cardamom is beneficial
Benefits of eating Veldode – Cardamom

If you have any type of mouth infection or mouth ulcers. If bad breath occurs due to tooth or gum decay, take cinnamon, nagarmotha, cardamom (cardamom) and coriander in equal amounts. Make a powder of it and mix it with 125 mg. Make the batter. Keep this bowl in your mouth. After this, mix this powder in water and make a roll.

5. Benefits of eating cardamom in throat disease
Benefits of eating cardamom
Sore throat or hoarse throat due to excessive talking or winter is a common problem. If there is any problem where the little tongue hanging inside the throat sometimes swells up causing sore throat, boil a little cardamom and cinnamon in water. Keep the water in your mouth for a while and then rinse your mouth. Cardamom has benefits of eating cardamom in diseases like throat swelling, hoarseness etc.

Even if you just chew cardamom, it is beneficial. If there is hoarseness or sore throat due to any reason, eat small cardamom (Chhoti Elaichi) after chewing it and drink warm water on top while waking up in the morning and going to bed at night. There will be a lot of benefit and the throat will be relieved.

6. Cardamom medicine for cough and asthma
Benefits of eating cardamom
People often complain of dry cough and suffocation due to the current polluted environment. Take equal amount of cardamom and pepper on this. It is 10-20 ml. Mix it with jaggery and boil it together and drink this extract. This relieves dry cough and shortness of breath.

7. Cardamom keeps the heart healthy
Benefits of eating cardamom
Eating small cardamom improves blood circulation. Which is very beneficial for the heart. Mix equal amount of cardamom powder and pippali root powder. 1-2 grams mixed with twice the amount of ghee provides relief from heart disease and gas in the chest.

8. Benefits of eating cardamom in constipation and gastritis
Benefits of eating cardamom
Cardamom relieves stomach gas and bloating. If you have acidity after meals, chew cardamom regularly after meals. Food is also good for digestion. What happens is that stopping to urinate several times during a long journey causes gas in the stomach. In such cases, drinking half to one gram of cardamom powder with kanji gives the benefits of cardamom. A ripe banana and a cardamom pod before going to bed is beneficial in indigestion, acidity, constipation etc. and vomiting of blood etc.

If stomach ache after eating too much banana then eat cardamom, you will get immediate relief.

Veldode - Cardamom

9. Eat cardamom to stop vomiting
Benefits of eating Veldode – Cardamom

500 mg of Eladi powder mixed with honey and sugar candy stops vomiting caused by vata, pitta and kapha. Make a powder by mixing cardamom, rice flour, cloves, nagkeshar, pippali, priyangu, badar majja, nagarmotha and white sandalwood. Taking 1-2 grams of sugar candy and honey together stops all types of vomiting (Benefits of Cardamom).

Extract 10-15 ml of cumin and mix it with 500 mg of cardamom powder, taking it will stop the problems like dizziness, vomiting due to excess bile.

10. Cardamom is a medicine for urinary problems
Benefits of eating cardamom
Mix amla juice, banana juice or neem juice, honey and half to one gram of cardamom powder. If urine is burning due to kapha, it will be beneficial to drink it.

1/2-1 gram of cardamom powder taken with cow urine, alcohol or banana juice is beneficial in urinary problems caused by kapha. Take 20-25 ml of Eladi in 1-2 grams of Shilaji and mix it and drink it if you have kidney stones. Mix one gram of cardamom seeds in 20-25 ml of amla juice. Drinking it relieves urinary retention or burning sensation in urine.

11. Benefits of eating cardamom in blood disorders
Benefits of eating cardamom
Cardamom improves blood circulation. If the blood does not flow properly during Raktamokshana in Panchakarma therapy, then if the fine powder of cardamom, cumin, tagar etc. mixed with salt and oil is rubbed on the wound, the blood starts flowing properly.

12. Benefits of eating cardamom to improve mental health
Benefits of eating cardamom

If the mind is restless, take the powder of small cardamom seeds and smell it before going to bed at night. It is very beneficial for epilepsy, mental depression and memory loss.

Veldode - Cardamom

Green cardamom dosage: Cardamom powder – 500 mg to 1 gm or as mentioned above.
Use small cardamom as advised by the doctor for maximum benefits.

Green cardamom is used in medicine both as seeds and cardamom oil.

The side effects of cardamom are not much but sometimes consuming too much cardamom can cause some side effects. Patients with kidney stones should consult a doctor before taking cardamom. Kidney stones may increase. If cardamom is not digested properly, it can also lead to the formation of gallstones.
Excessive consumption of cardamom can also cause impotence.

Sourse : Wikipidiya



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1 Where should cardamom have been discovered ?

2 Cardamom is produced in which countries ?

3 Cardamom is mentioned in which Ayurvedic text ?

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