Uses of Ginger

Uses of Ginger

In this article we will see the uses of ginger . Ginger is an important spice crop and is cultivated in the first fortnight of May. This crop grows well in hot weather. Ginger is a plant. Its root is used as a spice because it is aromatic.

Uses of Ginger

Ginger is eaten to relieve cough and is used in many medicines. Ginger is also used in cooking as a spice. It is known as ‘underground radish’ like turmeric. Ginger has a long tradition of cultivation. Originating in Asia, it is cultivated in India, as well as in South Asia, West Africa and the Caribbean islands.

Ginger is the rhizome (a fleshy stem growing horizontally along the ground) of the small perennial herb of the same name. These mulakshods (ginger pods) are branched and resemble claws. Their fingers are close and glued to each other. This plant belongs to the Zingiberaceae family of Citamini phylum and its scientific name is Zingiber officinale. Ginger is mainly cultivated in the tropical regions of India, Indonesia, West Indies, North and West Africa and South America. In India, ginger is cultivated especially in the southern part. As ginger grows in humid and hot climates, ginger is cultivated between May and June.

Uses of Ginger

About 60 to 90 cm above the ground from the eyes at the root of the ginger. Tall branches come up. Tall branches come up. He is the one who comes down. Leaves simple, oblong, 20 X 1.8 cm. They are oval in shape and hairless. The flowers are irregular, bisexual and yellowish green and appear on the stem in March-April. The big petal of the flower is purple and has yellow spots on it. Fruits are rare. Healthy, plump and at least one-eyed ginger pieces are used as cuttings for cultivation.

Dried ginger is called ‘Sunth’. To prepare Suntha, the soil adhering to the ginger pods, the roots and the bark are removed. Then they are washed and dried for 7-8 days. In this way, they produce normal quality and brown color. While making good quality Suntha, ginger is soaked in water for some time and the peel is removed. Then they are soaked in lime juice. After drying this ginger for 8-10 days, good quality ginger is produced. Sulfur ash is given to make white and attractive sunta of good quality.

Uses of Ginger

The chemical composition of ginger is as follows: Water 81%, Protein 2.30%, Fatty matter 1.00%, Carbohydrate 12.20%, Fibrous matter 2.30% and Ash 1.20%. Ginger has a distinctive flavor due to a volatile oil called gingerol. Ginger and ginger have been used for medicine and spice since ancient times. Ginger is pungent, hot, stimulating, carminative and digestive and is effective in stomach disorders. Ginger and cane sugar are considered to be effective in cough, dysentery, asthma, nausea, okari etc. Ginger is used to make ginger beer and ginger ale.

Benefits of Ginger/uses of ginger


Relieve cold and cough
Ginger provides instant relief in case of cold and cough. If you have a sore throat, mix ginger juice with honey and drink it for a few days. You will get a lot of rest. Apart from this, drink ginger tea when the throat is blocked. Drink this daily, all throat related problems will be cured.

Ginger will give you a lot of relief in asthma. For this, take ginger juice mixed with fenugreek powder and honey. Take it daily for a few days, you will soon feel relief.

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Strengthen the digestive system/uses of ginger

Ginger strengthens the digestive system. All problems related to stomach are removed. Drinking ginger juice will cure the problem of constipation and also relieve the problem of gas. If you feel like vomiting, take a small piece of fresh ginger and chew it. You will be relieved in no time. Stomach ulcers can be cured with ginger.

Uses of Ginger

Relieve joint pain
Arthritis can be alleviated due to joint pain. Regular use of ginger relieves pain and swelling in the body. Drink ginger juice straight or mixed with honey and drink it once a day, drink it daily, it will surely give you relief. According to a research, people who consume ginger daily, get better from any type of pain, old or new.

Prevent cancer cells from growing
Eating ginger does not cause cancer cells to grow in the body. In particular, it helps prevent breast cancer.

Relieve migraine pain
Ginger also has the ability to reduce pain like migraine, headache, toothache, ginger provides relief.

Lower cholesterol
Drink ginger juice daily, cholesterol will always be under control, consumption of ginger does not form blood clots, which reduces the risk of stroke, heart disease.

blood pressure
Ginger is also useful in blood pressure control. Drinking ginger juice keeps the blood a little thinner, keeping the glucose level in it the same. A blood pressure patient should consume it daily.

Get rid of dandruff problem
Massage the scalp with ginger oil, then wash your hair, its continuous use will help you get rid of dandruff. Ginger reduces hair loss, promotes hair growth and improves blood circulation in the hair.

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Ginger can also enhance the appearance. Ginger juice can be used to get rid of acne scars. Ginger is also useful in reducing wrinkles. With this your face is always nourished.

Increase metabolism
Ginger removes excess fat from the body. Drinking ginger mixed with green tea keeps your weight under control. Besides, consuming ginger increases the body’s metabolism so that food does not turn into fat.

After reading the benefits of ginger, you must have known its usefulness. Consume ginger as much as possible during cold, it will provide many benefits to your body.

Source : Marathi Vishwakosh 

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Faq –

1 In which climate does ginger grow best ?

2 By what name is ginger known ?

3 What are the benefits of drinking ginger juice ?

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