


Tandulja – (Chavalai Hindi – Chavarai, Gujarati – Tanduljo, Kannada – Keeresoppu, Sanskrit – Tanduliya, Alpamarish, English – Amaranth, Latin – Amaranthus polygamous, Kul–Amarantaceae). It is a small, perennial and many-branched herb that grows like a weed and widely in fields throughout India and in the warmer parts of Sri Lanka. As it belongs to the genus (Amaranthus) of Pokla, Math, Amaranth, many of their physical symptoms are similar.


The leaves are simple, alternate and the globose flowers are dense, small, greenish, unisexual, borne in panicles or clusters in leaf axils from December to March. Paridale three and Kesardale Suti and three [flowers]. The fruit is dry, often cracked and globular. Seed one, fine and black. The young eat the twigs and leaves.

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This plant has properties that relieve blood bile, vata, fever, phlegm and phlegm etc. The same name Tandulja is given to another species (Amaranthus blytum type Oleracea). This is a tall, fleshy, straight growing herb cultivated in India and its fruit does not crack. Its herb is shitak (cooling), deepak (appetizing), analgesic and medicinal. Its other physical characteristics are generally those of the caste described above.


Medicinal uses of Tandulja


Ancient people say that Tandulja is used as medicine.

Among all the three types of Tandulja , if used in daily diet, red Tandulja is the most effective and beneficial.

Tandulja vegetable contains carbohydrates, calcium, phosphorus, sulphur, etc.

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According to experts, one should not over cook the vegetable of Tandulja and consuming this vegetable in less oil is very nutritious and beneficial for health.

Experts are of the opinion that extracting the juice of one spoonful of young leaves of rice and adding granulated sugar to it is effective against all diseases.

Tandulja is easy to digest and is cooling and cleansing of the kidneys and relishes the mouth if the appetite is slow.

It  is an expectorant of Kapha and Pitta and is very beneficial in blood disorders.

This vegetable has been used in India since ancient times.

This vegetable is beneficial for eye diseases, stomach disorders, liver problems, diarrhoea, constipation, piles etc.


Consuming it helps to cure eye disorders such as burning eyes, red eyes, dry eyes, sticking eyes in the morning, or burning pain in the eyes.

It is beneficial for babies and pregnant women or lactating mothers to consume rice vegetables in their diet, the mother gets plenty of milk.

Extracting the juice of the young leaves of Tandulja and drinking it helps to get rid of stomach disorders.

Read also – Liquorice

Regular consumption of rice vegetables is beneficial in skin disorders.

Extracting the juice of tandulja and applying it on the burnt area gives quick relief, helps to heal the burnt ulcer.

According to experts, if one has urethritis or urinary tract inflammation, this vegetable should be eaten regularly.

Source – Marathi Vishwakosh –




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