
Sarpagandha is a plant native to India from Simla in the Himalayas to Assam, Tripura and the Ganges basin, Bihar, Bengal, Orissa, Nepal, Sikkim. It is found in the forests of Bhutan, Andaman etc. and in Konkan, Western Ghats and Vidarbha in Maharashtra.

Various names of Sarpagandha

English : Rauvolfia root; Serpentine; Serpentine root
Kanadi : Chandrika; navel; Hrudpatal
Marathi : Harki; Mongoosewell; snake smell; Sarpagandha
Scientific name: Rauvolfia serpentina (Rauvolfia serpentina); Ophioxylon serpentimum
Sanskrit : Chandrika; snake smell; Serpentine; Serpakshi
Hindi : Chandrabhaga; small moon; the barber; fake moon; Sarpa Ganda; Harkai Moon;
In the 16th century, Raoulfia was named after the German scientist Leonoy Raulf, while Serpentina got its name from the shape of its long, snake-like roots. This plant belongs to the Apocynaceae family and has been known to Indians for a long time. The modern drug Sarpasil is made from the drug ‘Sarpagandha’ used by Indian doctors.

Description of the plant

Sarpagandha is a herbaceous shrub that grows to a height of about 60 to 90 centimeters.

The bark on the trunk of this plant is yellowish. The leaves are simple, oblong in shape, in groups of three. The color of the leaves is dark green above and pale green below. The roots are long, thick like a snake, and the root bark is pale yellow in color. The color of the flowers is purplish-white and the bunch of flowers comes on the top or in the axils of the leaves. Flowers are small, white or purple. The petals of the flower are red. The fruits are pea-sized, dark purple in color, fleshy and hard-shelled. It can be cultivated from seed, stem and root.

Uses of Sarpagandha

Important alkaloids such as ajmaline, serpentine, roulfine, reserpine are obtained from the stem of Sarpagandha plant. Among these, reserpine is a class of drugs used to lower blood pressure. These drugs are effective on the venous system. This plant is also known as ‘pagal ki dawa’ as it is used as medicine for mad, delusional people. Roots are also used to make menstruation come on time and in proper quantity. In case of snakebite, a poultice of the root is applied to the wound. Sarpagandh is in high demand in the global market.

The dried roots of this plant are used in medicines made from Sarpagandha. Extracts obtained from roots are effective in epilepsy, psychosis, insomnia, schizophrenia and some intestinal disorders. The root extract of Sarpagandha mixed with other plant extracts is used for flatulence, colic and fever. Sarpagandha is also useful for the mother to have cramps during the birth of the infant. If the transparent membrane on the iris of the eye starts to become opaque, the juice of Sarpagandha leaves is used as a remedy.

More Benefits

1. Insomnia
Sarpagandha can be used to get rid of the problem of insomnia. According to one study, Serotonin (a mood-enhancing chemical) is found in Sarpagandha, which is why it can work to improve the quality of sleep. In this sense, it can be said that by using Sarpagandha, one can stay in the state of insomnia.

2. Blood pressure
An increase in blood pressure in the body can cause many problems. In case of high blood pressure, consumption of Sarpagandha can help to balance it. For this, the alkaloids found in it can be helpful in reducing blood pressure levels.

3. Stomach problems
It can be used to cure stomach problems. Due to the alkaloids found in it, it can help in treating stomach problems. Therefore, alkaloid-rich foods can be said to be beneficial for the stomach.

4. Menstruation Ke Dard Se Rahat
Menstrual pain can be reduced by consuming Sarpagandha. The alkaloids found in Sarpagandha have analgesic properties, which can help reduce menstrual pain.

5. Whooping cough
Due to the medicinal properties of Sarpagandha, it can also be used in home remedies for whooping cough. Allergies can cause coughing problems. Anti microbial may be helpful in removing it. At the same time, anti microbial properties are found in Sarpagandha. Therefore, the benefits of it can also be used to cure whooping cough.

6. Effective on insect bites
Herbs are also used for insect bites in India. It is also included in these herbs. It has insecticidal properties, due to which the benefits of Sarpagandha can be useful in treating problems caused by insect bites.

7. Treatment of snake bite
It becomes difficult to give immediate medical treatment after several snake bites. In this situation, life is at risk. In this condition, snake bite can be treated by using sarpagandha at home. It may be helpful in reducing the effects of snake venom .

8. Anxiety
Elders say that worry is like a pyre. If you want relief from anxiety, the use of it can prove beneficial. According to a research, it can help in relieving anxiety due to its antioxidant effect. At the same time, antioxidants are found in abundance in Sarpagandha. Therefore, anxiety can be eradicated by using Sarpagandha.

9. Fever
Many types of medicine are used to reduce fever, but the use of it can also work as a fever medicine. It contains alkaloids , which can act as medicines. Therefore, it can be said that fever can be reduced by using Sarpagandha

10. Cholera
Many people believe that cholera is caused by consuming contaminated water and food, but it can also be caused by bacteria. Therefore, the problem of cholera can be overcome by consuming anti-microbial foods (13). At the same time, medicinal properties of Sarpagandha also include anti-microbial

After knowing the benefits , you may want to know how to use it. This is what we are talking about in this part of the article.


You can use Its root powder in many ways. You can even use it in food. Let’s know how it can be used:

How to eat:
Sarpagandha powder can be mixed with water.
Its can also be taken with milk.
Its can also be taken with honey.
When to eat:
It can be taken with milk or water in the morning.
You can also take it with milk or water before going to bed at night.

How much to eat:
One teaspoon in the morning and one teaspoon in the evening can be taken. It is better that you consult your doctor and take its dosage.

Source : Wikipediya


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1 What is the scientific name of Sarpagandha ?

2 How tall does a Sarpagandha grow ?

3 How to use Sarpagandha on snakebite?

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