Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus plant belongs to Fabaceae family and its scientific name is Pterocarpus santalinus. This tree is found in the Eastern Ghats of South India. It is also found in countries between Sri Lanka and the Philippines. This tree is considered valuable due to its red color.

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus
Sandalwood (Pterocarpus santalinus) : (1) Tree, (2) Flower, (3) Fruit, (4) Wood Chips
Blood sandal tree 8 m. Grows up to It grows in low clay soils and is fast growing. In three years Ms. Its height increases up to 5 m. Its trunk grows straight and the bark is rough. The leaves are compound and small and its small compound leaf usually has three lobes one after the other. Each force 3–9 cm. is long Flowers are few in inflorescence and are yellow and small. The pistil is composed of five, jointed and green lobes and the lobes have five free unequal pink petals. Pumanga has 10 stamens out of which nine are jointed and one is free. Jayang is upright and has a single egg. Pollination takes place through insects. Pod is small, flat, round and winged. It bursts when ripe. The seeds are small and spiny.

Sandalwood wood has been used since time immemorial. The wood is dark red in colour, hard and astringent in taste. Also it does not dry easily. Spread on a wooden stick and apply its paste to reduce joint pain, swelling and dermatitis. Leaf juice is anthelmintic and antimicrobial. It is used to clean wounds. Sandalwood wood yields a colored resinous chemical called santalin. It is used to color medicines and to dye wood, silk and leather. The wood from the core of the trunk is used to make various items such as dolls, jewelry boxes, idols of gods, chess pieces and furniture. The Raktchandan tree is on the verge of extinction due to massive felling. Its timber is heavily trafficked and its felling has been banned.

Names of Raktchandan in other languages

The botanical name of sandalwood is pterocarpus santalinus, its family is fabaceae and it is called red sandal wood in English. is

Sanskrit – raktchandan, raktang, tilparna, raktasara, prawalphal, lohit sandalwood, Malay
Hindi – Red Sandalwood, Blood Sandalwood
Odia – Raktchandan, Indro Chandono
Kannada – blood transfusion, Hone
Bengali – Raktchandan
Gujarati – Ratanjali
Telugu – Raktchandanam
Tamil – Shane Chandanam, Atty, Sivappu Chandanam
Nepali – Raktchandan
Punjabi – Red sandalwood
Marathi – Raktchandan, red sandalwood
Malayalam – Raktashandanam, Patrangam, Tilparni
English – Rubywood, Indian Sandalwood
Arbi – Sandale Ahmar, Sandulamr, Undam
Persian – Sandale Surkh, Bucum.
Medicinal properties of raktchandan
To know about which diseases blood sandalwood is used as a cure, first of all we know about the medicinal

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properties of red sandalwood :-

Red sandalwood is sweet, bitter, cold, short, rough, expectorant, chakshushya, vryshya, rakshoghana, tonic hota hai.
It is vomiting, craving or thirst, biliousness (bloody discharge from ears and nose), fever or fever, sores, poison, cough or cough, insecticide hota hai.
Its wood is stambhaka i.e. blood-stopping, tonic, jvaraghna (fever reducer), krimighna (killer of worms), periodical vyadhihar, svedgenan (producer of sweat) and antidote.
It is anti-inflammatory, anthelmintic, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, anti-inflammatory, central nervous system depressant, anti-fertility, anti-bacterial, anti-pyretic and anti-inflammatory.

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus

Red sandalwood benefits and uses

Raktchandan is beneficial for skin related and stomach related problems as well as acts as a pain reliever, but how is it used, let’s know about it in detail :-

Raktchandan is beneficial in headache

If you suffer from headache due to tiredness throughout the day, take these 6 substances in equal quantity of blood sandalwood, sandalwood, mulethi, bala, vyaghankhi and kamal and grind them in milk and apply them on the head, besides this, red sandalwood, salt And applying it on the head after rubbing it in water relieves headache.

Raktchandan is beneficial in migraine and migraine pain
Grinding the ends of blood sandalwood and applying it to the head relieves the pain of migraine.

Raktchandan is beneficial in treating eye diseases
Nowadays there are various eye problems due to working on the computer all day, like eye pain, swelling etc., all these problems get quick relief by using rakchandan, even in cataracts. Karne se gets benefit.
Lalchandan mixed with water, honey, ghee or oil and applied to the eyes in one week is beneficial in chronic cataract disease.
Sandalwood 1 part, Sandalwood 2 parts, Harad 3 parts and Palash leaf juice 4 parts by grinding all these and making anjan or kajal ki tarah is beneficial in eye diseases.
Rubbing the woody part of red sandalwood in water and applying it around the outside of the eye is beneficial in eye swelling.
Raktchandan is beneficial in toothache
The problem of toothache is common, by grinding the end of red sandalwood and rubbing it on the teeth, the toothache is relieved quickly.

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus

Raktchandan is beneficial in the problem of hiccups
If you are suffering from frequent hiccups, rubbing red sandalwood in milk and putting 1-2 drops in the nose will stop the hiccups.

Raktchandan is beneficial in the treatment of cholestasis
Consuming Daruharidra, Dhamasa, Belgiri, Sugandhabala and Lal Chandan (2-4 gm powder) or Red Sandalwood, Sundhabala, Nargamotha, Bhunimb and Dhamasa powder helps digestion of amdosa and helps in pittatisara.

Raktakhandan is beneficial in blood diarrhoea
By making a decoction of red sandalwood and adding honey to 20 to 40 ml of the decoction, diarrhoea is stopped.

Raktchandan is beneficial in the pain of vomiting
If the problem of vomiting is becoming a disease due to your routine, then rubbing a piece of red sandalwood in honey will stop the vomiting.

Raktchandan is beneficial in the treatment of hemorrhoids
If no other treatment is working to prevent diarrhoea, then drinking a decoction of red sandalwood will relieve diarrhea.

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Raktchandan is beneficial in blood thirst

If the hemorrhoids have become serious and bleeding, a decoction of pomegranate rind, red sandalwood, chiraita, dhamasa and saffron mixed with 10 to 20 ml of cow ghee is beneficial in bleeding hemorrhoids. is
Apart from this, consumption of decoction (20 to 40 ml) made from red sandalwood leaves or bark is beneficial in piles.
Raktchandan Pradar is beneficial in the treatment of white water
Eating Pushyanug Churna made from blood sandalwood etc. is very beneficial in Pradar or white water.

Raktchandan is beneficial in the treatment of fractures
Grinding Manjistha, Mulethi, Red sandalwood and Shali rice mixed with Shatdhaut ghee and applied on fracture (bone fracture) is beneficial.

Raktchandan is beneficial in the treatment of sarcasm
Lalchandan, Manjistha, Kuth, Pathani Lodhra, Phul Priyangu, Banyan sprouts and Lentils are ground and applied on the face to reduce the sarcoid (jaani) and brighten the face.

Raktchandan Visarp is beneficial in the treatment of herpes
Grinding Kamal Nal, Lalchandan, Lodhra, Khas, Kamal, Neelkamal, Anantamul, Amlaki and Haritaki in milk is beneficial in Pittaja Visarpa disease, apart from this, make a decoction of equal quantity of Red Sandalwood and Neelkamal and take 20 to 40 ml of decoction. Applying Ko Pilane to Visarp heals herpes lesions quickly.

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus

Raktchandan/Red Sandalwood/Pterocarpus santalinus powder

Raktchandan is beneficial in curing Vidradhi ie Stomach Ke Foda
In the treatment of stomach ulcers, the pain caused by blood sandalwood can be relieved quickly. Grinding white and red sandalwood and applying it to milk gives relief from gallstones.
Apart from this, grinding red sandalwood, manjistha, haridra, mulethi and ocher in equal quantity and coating it in milk is beneficial in blood circulation and agantuj vidradhi.
Raktchandan is helpful in treating fire burns
By taking these 5 substances of Vansalochan, Plaksha, Red Sandalwood, Geru and Guduchi in equal quantity and making powder, mixing it with ghee and applying it, it gives quick relief in healing the wound burnt by fire.

Raktchandan is beneficial in healing the ulcer
If the wound does not seem to be healing, grinding the bark of red sandalwood and applying it on the wound heals the wound quickly.

Raktchandan is beneficial in skin related diseases
Grinding and humming the parts of blood sandalwood gives benefit in any skin related diseases.

Raktchandan pittaja is beneficial in curing this inflammation

Source : Marathi Vishwakosh


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Faq – 

1 How tall does the Redsandalwood tree grow ?

2 What are the uses of raktchandan ?

3 How is Redsandalwood used in pitta?

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