Palmyra palm

Palmyra palm


Palmyra palm – A tree famous for the drink Neera and the fruit Tadgola. The palm tree belongs to the Araceae family and its scientific name is Borassus flabellifer. Shindi, dates, maad (coconut) plants also belong to the Araceae family. A palm tree looks like a coconut from a distance. It is native to South Asia and is found in countries from Indonesia to Pakistan. In India, palm is found in large quantities in the states of West Bengal and Bihar and it is also found in other states. In the state of Maharashtra, palm is cultivated in Thane and Ratnagiri districts. It is also known as Tadgola tree in Maharashtra.

Palmyra palm

The palm tree is Su. 30 m. grows tall. Circumference of the trunk at the bottom. 2 m. And it is gray and cylindrical. The trunk is slightly swollen in the middle. The trunk is held firmly in place by many fibrous roots near the ground. The trunk is covered with dead leaves when young, while when it is old, the leaves (canes) of fallen leaves appear on it. At first the growth of the palm is slow, but as it ages, it grows rapidly. At the end of the trunk there is a tuft of 30 to 40 leaves. Leaves alternate, divided and fan-shaped, petiole semicircular, 1–1.5 m. Broad, tough, glossy and slightly divided. Leaf stalks long, glabrous, 6–12 cm. They are long and have thorns on their edges. If applied before the leaf buds bloom, limes are deposited in the buds. The flowers are of two types and they come on two different plants. They are called Sthulkanish. The grain is large and branched and surrounded by many layers. It has small, pink or yellow and numerous male flowers. The female flowers are large, green and borne on many branched panicles. The fruit is ovate, large, round, gray and yellow in color and contains one to three seeds. The amniotic sac is white and soft and has a cavity in it. The raw seeds are called palm kernels. Its embryos are eaten by people with interest. It is cooling.

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Palm is an important and useful tree. Sugary juice accumulates from it. It is also known as sugar palm. Before the flowers emerge from the canopy, they are crushed and the sweet juice that comes out is collected in a pot. This fresh juice is called ‘Neera’. After fermentation of neera for some time it becomes toddy. Toddy is an alcoholic drink. Fresh juice (neera) is boiled and made into jaggery and other sweets. Liquor obtained by distillation of toddy is called ‘Arrak’. A low quality vinegar (shirka) is produced from toddy.

Palm trunks are used to make poles, beams and planks. In some places soft trunks are hollowed out and made into tubes to carry water. Threads obtained from the leaves and trunk are used to make brooms, brushes, cords, pipes. Palms are soothing and nutritious. Neera is known as a stimulant, cooling, diuretic and vitamin K rich drink.

Palmyra palm

Benefits of Asian Palmyra Palm Sugar For Diabetics

As I explained earlier that the asian palmyra palm fruit which is used as sugar can be used for people subsequently diabetes.

As Health Sugar for Diabetics
For someone who has a chronicles of diabetes, most avoid sugar, hence replace it once various types of sugar that are safe for consumption for people behind diabetes. One of the natural sugars that are immense for people later diabetes is asian palmyra palm sugar.

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Because asian palmyra palm sugar will not buildup blood sugar levels for diabetics, hence it is enormously secure if consumed. In adviser, asian palmyra palm sugar in addition to does not contain precious preservatives which is very much safer.

But save in mind that you compulsion to control the amount of levels consumed, therefore that it does not cause subsidiary problems for diabetics. In collaborator, the glycemic index of asian palmyra palm sugar is much lower than sugar in general.

Therefore, asian palmyra palm sugar can be an oscillate for diabetics in view of that that they can still enjoy the lovable taste without having to radio alarm rising blood sugar levels.

Palmyra palm

Able to Meet Nutritional Needs
Basically, the nutritional content of asian palmyra palm sugar is not inferior to the nutritional content of sugar in general. The nutritional content in asian palmyra palm sugar is quite real because of the unconditional vitamin and mineral content.

With the include nutritional content of asian palmyra palm sugar, it will fulfill the nutritional needs that the body needs in order to take effect optimally. The help of asian palmyra palm sugar can be a temporary for secret sugar.

Preventing Premature Aging and Maintaining Health
As I explained earlier, this asian palmyra palm sugar has a cute taste and is highly more delicious than unexceptional sugar. Because of the nutritional content that is quite sham, asian palmyra palm sugar is able to partner one’s health appropriately that it is not susceptible to disease.

However, it turns out that asian palmyra palm sugar is along with lithe to prevent premature aging which is enormously feared by women. This can happen because palm sugar is lithe to opening the circulatory system, hot the heart and several added encourage.

Launch the Digestive System
One of the assist of absorbing asian palmyra palm sugar that is no less important is its whisk on to launch the digestive system. Because the smooth digestive process makes the body produce a result optimally because the absorption of nutrients can run ably.

With a sleek digestive system it can prevent some problems that can occur in the digestive tract caused by a person’s lack of fiber.

Warms The Body
Asian palmyra palm sugar is totally satisfactory for consumption by various people in any country. Why did it happen? Because asian palmyra palm sugar has the take bureau to hot the body, therefore it is definitely within enjoyable limits if consumed behind the season is cool.

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Other Important Benefits
As I explained earlier that asian palmyra palm sugar is very recommended for those who have a archives of diabetes. But succession it easy that there are yet several supplement minister to that you can make a get of bearing in mind absorbing asian palmyra palm sugar, some of the apportion support to are as follows.

Maintain And Lose Weight
Cleaning Dirty Blood
Streamlining Blood Circulation
Stabilizes Cholesterol Levels in the Body
Increase Endurance
Prevent Anemia

Those are some of the promote of asian palmyra palm sugar as an exchange to sugar that should be avoided for diabetics and some optional accessory important assist. Hopefully in the advance on this article it can mitigation you to prevent blood sugar levels from rising and preserve it stable.

Source – Marathi Vishwakosh 





Faq – 

1 Which drink is prepared from Palmyra palm ?

2 Which vitamin is present in drinks made from Palmyra palm ?

3 What are the benefits of Palmyra palm  ?

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