


Liquorice ( Jestha Madha ) is a plant belonging to the family Fabaceae and its scientific name is Glycyrrhiza glabra. It is native to Europe and Asia and is found wild in China, Russia, Italy, France, Germany, Spain and Hungary. It is cultivated in India especially in Maharashtra. Research on this plant is being done in Jammu, Indore, Hisar and Bangalore. The Greek word ‘glycyrrhiza’ means ‘sweet root’. Su of Glycyrrhiza species. There are 12 castes. Glabra is an important variety.


Jujube This plant is about 1 m. is high The plant is branched from the base and has compound, pinnate like leaves and 7 – 15 cm. It has long leaves. Leaves 9 – 17 and come in odd number. The flowers are arranged on slender and large stems. The color of the flowers is pink or pale purple. Fruit (pod) flat and 3 – 4 cm. It is long and contains 2-5 seeds. The seeds are brown, bubbly and round but puffy at all four angles.

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Liquorice: dried bark pieces

Medicinally, the shade-dried roots of licorice are used; They are yellow, soft, flexible and fibrous. Glycyrrhizin in the roots is 50 times sweeter than sugar. Licorice contains components such as glucose, sucrose, starch, resin and volatile oil. The root and bark of Jeshthamdha are medicinal and are effective in case of asthma, cough, blood loss in the body and burning in the place of urination. Licorice root and powder are used to relieve sore throat. Licorice is used to sweeten tobacco products.

Benefits of Jestha Madha and method of consumption


The use of Jestha Madha powder as medicine is beneficial in many diseases. Jestha Madha has medicinal properties to reduce vata and pitta dosha. Jeshtha honey is also used in the treatment of many diseases. Jestha honey is used especially in case of skin diseases. The use of Jestha Madha purifies the blood, hair grows and intelligence becomes brilliant. Apart from this, we are going to learn about some other unique benefits of Jestha Madha


Relief in headache
If you suffer from constant headaches, Jeshta honey is a very good medicine for you. Jestha Madh Churna means taking one part of Jestha honey powder and mixing it with one quarter of Kalihari powder and a little mustard oil just by smelling it gives relief from headache.

Benefits of Jestha honey ( Liquorice ) for hair growth
Jeshtha honey is used for hair growth. Jeshta honey contains ingredients that nourish the hair and promote hair growth. Boiling jastha honey powder in water and cooling the water to wash hair improves hair health and helps in hair growth by providing nourishment to hair. Apart from this, licorice and sesame seeds ground in buffalo milk and applied to the hair stops hair loss.

Liquorice Remedy for Migraine
The use of Jestha honey is very beneficial for people who suffer from constant migraines, headaches and migraines. Jeshthamad Churna i.e. Jeshthamad powder and honey mixed together and put in the nose as a nasal drop relieves the problem of Ardhshishi.

Remedy for premature graying of hair in old age
Hair graying with age is a natural rule. But nowadays very young children and young people are getting gray hair prematurely at a young age. To solve this problem, people dye their hair black by applying mehndi and dye. Chemical dyes or haze colors contain a harmful chemical called ammonia.

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Even if the hair is black or shed, the continuous use of chemical hair colors and dyes causes extensive damage to the hair. By using Liquorice, you can prevent hair loss and graying of hair. For that you have to mix 50 grams of Jestha honey powder, 750 milligrams of amla juice and 750 milligrams of sesame oil together to make a good mixture. Regular application of one to two drops of this oil in the nose stops premature graying of hair and also reduces the problem of hair loss.

Liquorice is a remedy for eye diseases
Jestha honey is used in many types of eye diseases like burning eyes, swelling of the eyes, redness of the eyes, stinging, conjunctivitis or burning eyes. He washes his eyes with extract of Jeshtha honey, which is beneficial in eye diseases. Take jastha honey powder and fennel in equal quantity and grind it. If this powder is consumed daily in the morning and evening, it improves the health of the eyes and provides good benefits in the problems of eye inflammation, redness of the eyes, and loss of vision.

Liquorice is also used in the problems of conjunctivitis. We get rid of eye swelling, redness and pus from the eyes due to heat during summer days. Grinding jastha honey in water and dipping a cotton ball in it and tying it on the eyes reduces reddening or redness of the eyes. By grinding elder honey and amla in water and mixing it in bath water, taking a bath and washing the eyes reduces pitta. Jeshta honey is also useful for white spots in the eyes.

Liquorice is a remedy for ear diseases caused by pitta
Boiling elder honey and grapes together in milk and putting a few drops of it in the ears is beneficial in earaches caused by pitta. The medicinal properties of Jestha Madha are very beneficial in ear related diseases.


Liquorice is a remedy for nasal diseases
Make a good decoction by mixing 6 cardamoms and 25 grams of granulated sugar in 3-3 grams of elder honey and suntha. Nasal diseases are cured by putting 1-2 drops of this decoction in the nose.

Remedy for mouth sores and mouth sores

There are problems with constant mouth sores and mouth sores. If you are looking for a good effective medicine for this then Jestha Madh is a very useful medicine. To get rid of mouth sores, dip pieces of honey in honey and eat it thoroughly. It cures mouth sores and mouth sores instantly.

Benefits of Jestha Madha – Remedy for sore throat, hoarseness
Often due to changes in the environment or viral infection, changes such as sore throat and hoarseness occur. Often there is an infection in the throat so that the voice does not come out properly. Due to this, even if seniors keep the stick of honey in their mouth and keep chewing it like a lollipop, the problem of sore throat is relieved. Drinking elderberry honey helps to get rid of many infections and viral infections in the throat and throat.

Liquorice remedy for cough or dry cough
If you keep a stick of jastha madha in your mouth and suck it for a long time, you get relief from cough and cough does not occur. If you have a very dry cough and the cough doesn’t stop when you have a spasm of cough, then take one spoon of Jestha honey powder with two-three spoons of honey and take it 3-4 times a day. This gives quick relief in cough. If you make a decoction of Jestha Madha and consume 20 to 25 ml in the morning and evening, you will get relief from cough.

Remedies to stop hiccups in the elderly
If you suffer from the same hiccups, you try many home remedies. But to stop the hiccups, just putting a stick of honey in the mouth and sucking it stops the hiccups in a few minutes.

Uses of Liquorice in respiratory diseases
Often, shortness of breath, shortness of breath and respiratory diseases start. For this, taking 10-15 ml of Jeshtha honey extract 3 times a day cures respiratory diseases.

Use of Liquorice in heart disease
As a remedy for heart patients, mix 3-5 grams of elderberry powder and the same amount of kutki powder. Dissolve this mixture in 15-20 grams of sugar in water and mix it in water and drink this water daily. Regular consumption of this water prevents and relieves all heart related diseases. For heart diseases caused by pitta dosha, gambhari, jestha honey, honey and sugar should be mixed together and made into powder. This churn should be eaten and vomited as it flushes out pitta.

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Liquorice is a remedy for stomach ulcers
Stomach ulcer is a very serious problem. Ulcers are often very expensive to treat. Apart from this, it is also necessary to treat ulcers. Along with medical treatment, some home remedies for stomach ulcers are also necessary. You can use Jestha honey as a home remedy for ulcers.

For this, one spoon of Jestha honey powder should be consumed with one cup of milk 3 times a day. Along with this, in case of stomach ulcer as a diet, one should refrain from eating chili-spices and spicy foods.

Jestha honey remedy for stomach ache
Stomach pain is often caused by indigestion, acidity, eating stale food. As a remedy for this, mix 1 teaspoon of elderberry powder with honey and feed it 3 times a day. This remedy stops pain in the stomach and intestines and relieves stomach pain.

Jestha Madh – remedy for flatulence
Many people today are suffering from the problem of flatulence. Many people get flatulence due to not properly digesting the food eaten and not doing physical exercise and exercise. The size of the stomach continues to increase like a balloon. As a remedy for this, if 2-5 grams of Jestha honey powder mixed with water and sugar is consumed, the belly fat will decrease less and the increased stomach circumference will gradually decrease.

Remedy if vomiting blood in elder
If there is blood in the vomit, this problem is serious. If there is no serious cause like cancer, TB and there is blood in the vomit, we should take 1-2 grams of both Jestha honey and Rakta Chandan Churna and mix this mixture in 50 ml of milk. Consuming this over a period of time completely stops bleeding from vomiting.

Use of Jestha Madha in Anemia
Anemia is seen in many women and blood loss occurs in some diseases and fevers. It is also called as anemia. If the blood in the body decreases, the hemoglobin decreases and serious health problems arise. This requires treatment for hypertension. Jestha honey is very beneficial for blood circulation. For this, one spoon of Jestha honey powder should be taken daily with one spoon of honey or 10-20 ml of Jestha honey should be prepared and mixed with honey.

Jestha honey is useful in burning urine
Urinary infection or heat disorders cause burning, burning sensation in urine. For this, one spoon of Jestha honey powder should be consumed regularly with one cup of milk. This reduces burning and burning of urine.

Prevention of urinary retention in the elderly
Take the powder of jastha honey, turmeric and arvarubies in equal proportions and mix them together. Drinking it mixed with rice powder i.e. Tandulodak three to four times a day gives relief.

Remedies to increase milk supply in older lactating mothers
After giving birth, many women experience low milk supply or the lack of milk supply does not fill the baby’s stomach. After birth, the baby has to be exclusively breastfed for 6 months. This protects the baby from many diseases. If the mother has less milk, the baby does not grow well. Lactose glands need to be activated to produce milk. If lactating mothers are allowed to consume Jestha honey powder regularly, the women do not suffer from lack of milk supply or lack of milk supply after childbirth. Jestha honey activates the milk-producing glands in the breasts.

Boil 2 teaspoons of Jestha honey powder and 3 teaspoons of Shatavari powder in one cup of milk. When this mixture is reduced to half like a broth, give it a good stir. Turn off the gas when the mixture is reduced to half. Mix this mixture half and half in a cup of milk in the morning and evening and drink it. In addition, mix 2-4 grams of jasher honey and 5-10 grams of sugar in 100 ml of milk and give it to a pregnant woman in the morning and evening. This remedy produces more milk and fills the baby’s stomach.

Jesthamadha is a remedy for excessive bleeding during menstruation or bleeding disorders
Many women and girls face the problem of excessive bleeding during menstruation. Some women experience prolonged bleeding during menstruation. which deteriorates the health of women. If you have all the problems related to menstruation and excessive bleeding, take 1 teaspoon of honey powder regularly or drink 1-2 grams of honey powder mixed with 5-10 grams of sugar in rice washing water.

Remedy for the pain of ulcers, wounds and ulcers
If wounds, sores, wounds are not healed quickly, swelling occurs, pus forms, sometimes the wounds become inflamed and the wounds do not heal quickly. As a remedy for this, elder honey should be consumed. Jestha honey powder should be mixed with ghee and heated gently and applied on the wounds. This causes the wounds to heal quickly. Also, if there are blisters on the body after a burn, the blisters will ripen quickly by applying a coating of honey.

Use of Jestha Madha to remove body weakness
If you are weak due to prolonged illness or fatigue due to physical and manual labor, take 1 teaspoon of Jestha Madha powder with half a teaspoon of honey and 1 teaspoon of ghee daily. Consuming this powder with milk every morning and evening for 5 to 7 weeks gives strength to the body and increases strength.

Source – Marathi Vishwakosh 



Chuka/Bladder dock


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