

Today we are going to learn about the medicinal plant Isabagol . (Hindi. Ispadyul , Gujarati – uthum jirun , Sanskrit – Ishdgol; English – Blond cilium, Plantain , Latin – Plantago ovata , Kul – Plantaginaceae). This stemless, deciduous and perennial plant is found in the Mediterranean region and western Asia.


It is distributed in the lowlands and low hills of Punjab in India and from the Sutlej west to Sindh in Pakistan; It is cultivated in Maharashtra and North Gujarat (mainly in Mehsana and Banaskatha districts). Its varieties are cultivated in Spain and France. Leaves simple, 7–22 × 0·6 cm, narrow, linear, very tapering, entire, somewhat toothed; main veins three; Flower longer or narrower than the leaf; The flowers are small, greenish and borne on cylindrical panicles in January-March. Ceilings Fair; Sandales, Pradales and Kesardales four each; Petals connate, rounded at tip; Apipradallagna Kesardale; Kinjput vertical; Two EKG compartments in the bonda The top half of the bonda breaks off like a lid; The two seeds are attached to the center of the pod and are hard, round, long, smooth and milky glassy and mucilaginous (bubbly).

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Isabgola grows in all types of soil but does best in well-drained heavy loamy soils. It needs cool and dry weather. 30-35 hectare carts are well tilled with dung. Sowing season is from October to December with 6-13 kg per hectare. B in two rows 30 cm. It is sown at a distance or by hand. Water is given immediately after sowing. If there is no germination in four days, give another light cycle of water. Generally, the first watering is given 20–30 days after sowing. Further, a total of 5-8 waterings are required at an interval of 7-10 days till the crop harvests. The crop is ready for harvesting in three and a half to four months. The crop is harvested in March-April. The seeds are cleaned by threshing, threshing and sifting. 500–1,100 kg per hectare. Income comes. In India, pulses and seeds are often sold separately.

In terms of income, the seed husk (husk or sat isabgol) of isabgol is of real importance. The inside of the seed has a thin white papilla. You are separated by filling and drying. It yields 26-27%.

The laxative action of isabgol is entirely dependent on the mucus in the stool. Its action is purely mechanical. If you put the custard in cold water, it swells and becomes a jelly-like substance. It causes constipation because the contraction of the bowel is mechanically stimulated. It is cheaper than liquid paraffin and has the same activity as paraffin, but the side effects of paraffin habit (eg, ulcerative colitis, rectal eczema, etc.) do not occur with isabgol.

Isabgola seeds are cooling, sedative, diuretic (urinary) and are used for complaints of digestive system, urinary tract and dysentery, diarrhoea, constipation etc. Its effervescent substance is used in cosmetics and to stiffen cotton and silk threads.

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The supply of isabgola seeds and seeds to the world market is mainly from India. In the year 2011-12, India exported 29,343 tonnes, 32,465 tonnes in 2013-14 and 32,325 tonnes in 2014-15 to Europe, America and Mexico.

Health benefits of isabgol

Benefits of Esabgol in removing constipation
Soluble and insoluble fiber is present in sufficient quantity in Isabgol which is very beneficial in curing stomach constipation. Isabagol absorbs water from the digestive system and facilitates bowel movements.

How to use Isabgol for constipation
So if you are suffering from stomach and constipation then take two spoons of Isabgol with warm water (lukemarm water) before going to bed at night, the problem of constipation will end. Consuming Isabgol twice a day continuously for two weeks keeps the stomach clean.

Also, to relieve constipation, mix two spoons of Esabgol in a glass of warm milk and drink it just before going to bed.

Benefits of Isabgol in Diarrhea
Isabgol is also beneficial in relieving diarrhea due to its water-absorbing agent properties. It increases the thickness of stool and prevents diarrhea from passing through the colon. Apart from this, it increases the size of the stool and eliminates the movement in the bowels due to diarrhea. Mix two spoons of Isabgol in three spoons of yogurt and consume it twice a day to get rid of the problem of diarrhea.

Isabagol is used to improve digestion
We have told you above that Isabagol contains a large amount of fiber, which is good for digestion. It cleans the stomach by removing toxins from the walls of the stomach and also helps in the delivery of food to the intestine. Consuming Isabgol with buttermilk immediately after meals daily strengthens the digestive system. But before starting the intake of Isabagol, one should definitely consult a doctor.

Benefits of Isabgol in weight loss
It contains a viscous compound that helps control appetite and reduces weight. A study found that consuming 10 grams of Isabgol immediately before meals daily does not increase weight. Isabagol does not cause hunger pangs even after several hours of a single meal so that the person avoids overeating and thus keeps the weight under control. Weight is controlled by mixing one teaspoon of Isabgol with one teaspoon of lemon juice and consuming it on stomach every morning.

Tip: Mix isabgol in warm water with lemon and drink the mixture right before your meal. You can also consume it in the morning for weight loss.

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Benefits of Esabgol in piles
Since the fiber present in isabgol is both insoluble and soluble in nature, isabgol is very good for people suffering from painful conditions like rectal pain and piles. Not only does it help clean your bowels effectively, it also softens your stools by absorbing water from the surrounding parts of your intestines – making the passage of stool smooth and pain-free. Apart from this, due to its inherent nature to aid in easy defecation, isabgol also helps in curing piles, as it prevents the anus from stretching too much while defecating and prevents the lesions from breaking.

Mix Isabgol with warm water and drink it every night before going to bed. It will help loosen the stool and soften your stool to cure piles.

Isabgol K benefits in acidity
Heartburn is considered as a symptom of acidity and usually most of the people suffer from this problem. If you also have the problem of acidity, isabgol is a natural remedy for this problem. Consuming Isabgol with warm water creates a protective layer inside the stomach and protects the stomach from irritation. It improves digestion and reduces abnormally secreted acid and provides relief from stomach acidity.

Benefits of Isabgol in treating heart diseases

A study has found that consuming food containing water-soluble fiber reduces the level of triglycerides in the body, which reduces the risk of heart diseases. Sufficient fiber is found in isabgol, which by including it in a healthy diet reduces the chances of heart diseases in a person. Isabgol increases lipid levels, keeps the heart muscle strong and also lowers blood pressure thereby eliminating the risk of heart diseases. (More Reading – Heart Attack Causes and Prevention)

Isabgol is beneficial for diabetes
Isabagol works as a natural treatment in controlling this disease. Isabagol contains a natural substance called gelatin which slows down the breakdown process of the human body and the absorption of glucose in the body. Few people suffering from diabetes know that their disease can be cured even with Esabgol. Consuming Esabgol with warm water twice a day after meals can control the symptoms of diabetes. However, diabetic patients should consult a doctor before consuming it.

Source : Marathi Vishwakosh 



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Faq –

1 Where is the isabgol plant found ?

2 How much is the yield per hectare of Isabgol plant ?

3 How does eating Isabgol improve digestion ?

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