Gummy gardenia ( Dikemali )

Gummy gardenia ( Dikemali )


Gummy gardenia ( Dikemali ) is a small deciduous tree belonging to Rubiaceae family and its scientific name is Gardenia Gumifera. In Gardenia species Su. Includes 250 flowering plants. Gardenia Gumifera is native to India and is also found in Sri Lanka. In India it is found in Maharashtra, Gujarat, Bihar and South India. When the leaves, flowers or trunk of this tree are cut, a resinous green-yellow gum oozes out. This gum is collected, dried and cut into pieces and sold. It is also called Dikemali in the market.

Gummy gardenia ( Dikemali )

Dikemali tree Su. 2 m. grows tall. The bark of the trunk is green and smooth. Leaves are simple, sessile, opposite and in whorls of 3-4. They are dark green and shiny. The flowers are fragrant, solitary or in small clusters at the ends of the branches. The flowers are initially white but later turn yellow. Their smell lingers around. The pulp is berry-like and oblong and edible. It contains many seeds.

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The gum obtained from Dikemali is hard, opaque, greenish yellow in color and has a pungent odor. He is hot and restless. It is expectorant, appetizing and anthelmintic. A coating of gum is applied on dermatitis to protect against flies. Besides this, gum is used to kill insects in cattle wounds.

The gum known as Dikemali is from the genus Gardenia. Resinifera or Ga. It is also obtained from a shrubby plant known as Lucida. It is found in deciduous forests. It bears fragrant white flowers. Dikemale is secreted from the flower buds and shoots of these shrubs.

Gummy gardenia ( Dikemali )

Benefits of Dikemali


Dikemali is used in disorders like loss of appetite, intestinal pain, cough and indigestion.

It is done on uterine disorders of women. Rubbing a mixture of Shiv Shiv Dikemali and honey on the gums reduces colic in children, indigestion during teething and teething gums in children. And the gums become stronger.

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Dikemali is useful in ringworm. Dikemali powder is applied to prevent flies from sitting on animal wounds.

Dikemali seed oil is useful against worms. Dikemali is used to control the size of the liver and spleen.

Dikemali is useful in headache, fever, skin disorders.

Dikemali is used to regulate the functioning of the heart.

Gummy gardenia ( Dikemali )

Dikemali is also good for scabies, thorn and condu.

Dikemali extract and applied to hemorrhoids cures hemorrhoids by stopping swelling and itching.

To stop vomiting due to modashi, indigestion, Dikemali dipped in lemon juice and licked immediately stops vomiting.

Dikemali is a small tree that resembles Ananta.

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Jambhul,Indian blackberry

Source – Marathi Vishwakosh –


Faq – 

1 What is the scientific name of Dikemali ?

2 What is the color of Dikemali flowers ?

3 What are the benefits of Dikemali ?

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