


Gorakhmundi or Mundigorakhmundi is an aromatic Ayurvedic herb native to India. It grows in low-lying areas and humid climates like paddy fields throughout India.

This plant grows up to about 30 cm tall. The trunk and branches are cylindrical, toothed, knotty and hairy. The leaves are deciduous and the flowers are compound and elliptic. Flowers bloom from November to January.


Names in different languages


Kannada Name : Karanda-Gida :
Gujarati Name : Nadanimundi, Bodioklar
Tamil Name: Vishnukarantai
Persian name: Sakhimi-i-Hyat
Bengali name: Mundiri, Thulkudi
Marathi Name: Mundi, Bondathara, Barasbondi
Sanskrit Names: Aruna, Kumbhala, Tapodhana, Pravrajita, Bhikshu, Mahamundi, Mundtikta, Mundi, Sravani
Scientific name: Sphaeranthus indicus
Hindi Name: Chhoti Mundi, Gorakhmundi
Gorakhmundi is hot and bitter in taste.

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Sri Lanka, Africa, Malaysia, Australia, India etc. Everywhere in the region (mostly in open paddy fields) these many-branched 0·30 m. tall
Medicine is found. The trunk and branches are covered with serrated hairs and glandular hairs. The leaves are sessile, adnate to the stem at the base (decumbent), oblong-ovate, pinnately hairy and toothed. Purple minute florets 9·3–15·6 mm. The panicles are borne singly in November-January on the hairy axis. The outer florets are female and fertile, the inner bisexual, sterile or non-fertile peduncles [flower]. Kritsnaphal (dry, non-dehiscent and single-seeded fruit) is fine and smooth, other general physical characteristics are as described in the composition-cula.


Root and seed Anthelmintic Flowers Cooling, nutritious, healthful Extract of the plant Diuretic (urinary purifier) Bark Fish poison. This plant contains sphaeranthine as an alkaloid. All the plants are bitter, pungent, digestive and anthelmintic, useful in indigestion, hemorrhoids, colic, tumor (tumor caused by excessive growth of cells and useless to the body) etc.

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Benefits of Gorakhmundi


The use of Gorakhmundi can have many health benefits. Below we are detailing the benefits of Gorakh Mundi:

1. For hemorrhoids
A research published on the website of NCBI (National Center for Biotechnology Information) mentions that consumption of Gorakhmundi can be beneficial for hemorrhoids patients. At the same time, in another research it has been clearly stated that Gorakhmundi can be used as an Ayurvedic medicine for piles. The phytocompounds present in it can help in relieving this problem. At present, more research is needed in this regard.

2. Stay away from diabetes
The condition of diabetes can be improved by using Gorakhmundi. In fact, it has been confirmed in a research that Gorakhmundi extract has anti-hyperglycemic effect, which can help in controlling blood sugar levels. Also, the ethanol extract of its stem has anti-diabetic effects, which can help prevent diabetes. This information is given in a research paper available on NCBI’s website.

3. For the eyes
Talk about the benefits of eating Gorakhmundi, it can prove to be beneficial for the eyes. According to a research published on NCBI’s website, Gorakhmundi flower has tonic and cooling effect. Also, it can provide relief from conjunctivitis (eye infection). Also, it can also be effective in reducing eye strain. At the same time, according to another study, eye drops can be prepared by soaking Gorakhmundi flowers in water. It can provide relief in eye infections. At the moment, more scientific research is needed in this regard, so that it can be clearly known which of its properties benefit the eyes.


4. For boils
Gorakhmundi can be used as a herbal medicine to treat boils. In fact, Gorakhmundi has anti-microbial, anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties, which can be useful in improving the condition of boils along with providing relief from bacteria and fungi. Bacteria and fungi are the main causes of boils. On this basis it can be assumed that the benefits of Gorakhmundi also include curing boils.

5. Dard Se Rahat
Gorakhmundi plant can also help in reducing pain. Actually, the petroleum ether, chloroform and ethanol extracts found in this plant have analgesic properties. Explain, analgesic agents are effective in reducing pain. On this basis, the use of Gorakhmundi can be beneficial to get relief from pain in any part of the body.

6. Helpful in leprosy
Gorakhmundi can be used to cure leprosy. Explain that leprosy is a type of infectious disease, which is caused by a bacterium called Mycobacterium leprae. At the same time, Gorakhmundi has anti-microbial and anti-bacterial properties, which can help in curing infections. Therefore, Gorakhmundi can be considered as a better option for improving leprosy to some extent.

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7. Gonorrhea
Gonorrhea is a type of sexually transmitted infection. According to a scientific study, the Gorakhmundi plant can be used as a herbal medicine in the case of gonorrhea. In fact, it has anti-bacterial properties, which can be helpful in getting rid of gonorrhea. On this basis it can be said that the benefits of Gorakh Mundi can be obtained to cure gonorrhea.

This article is for information only, consult your doctor for proper treatment.

Source – Marathi Vishwakosh 



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