


Sarata or Kate Gokhru/Calthrope is a creeping herb that grows on the ground. This plant belongs to the family Zygophyllaceae. Its scientific name is Tribulus terrestris. It is mainly found in hot regions. In India from sea level 5,400 m. Up to height, this plant grows as a weed along roadsides and rough places.


The trunk and branches of this plant are hairy. Leaves are compound, opposite and pinnate with 3-6 pairs of leaflets. The leaves are oblong, hairy and lance-shaped. Occasionally some leaves are simple. Flowers are solitary, yellow and occur year-round in the axils or in front of the leaves. The fruit is round and hard with five pods. The fruit has five edges and thorns on them. Each capsule contains several seeds.

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All parts of this plant are medicinal. Dasmula uses the root of Gokhru in medicine. The root and fruits are sweet in taste and are cooling, diuretic, digestive as well as astringent. They are effective against vata, pitta, cough, asthma and physical weakness. Leaves are used in inflammation, leprosy and dermatitis. The seeds are astringent and used to stop bleeding. The ash of the plant is used to make an anti-rheumatic ointment.

Names in different languages


English : Land caltrops’
Kannadi : Negloo
Gujarati : Beta-Nana Gokhru
Tamil : Nairinchi
Persian: Tukhmekhar
Bengali : Gokhri
Marathi: Sarata, Gokhru
Scientific name: Tribulus terrestris
Sanskrit: Ikshugandha, Kantkatrik, Kantphal, Gokanta(c), Gokshur(c), Trikantaka, Palankasha, Vanashringat, Svadanshtra, Shadanga, Swadukantaka, Kshudrakantaka
Hindi : Chota Gokhru, Gokshi, Hussuk


Benefits of Gokhru/Calthrope

Gokshura is used to treat various diseases. The health benefits of Gokshura are further explained.

1) Increase digestion
Gokhru Ka Kadha strengthens digestion. People with weak digestion should consume Gokhru. It makes food easy to digest. Drink 5 grams of peepal powder in 30 to 40 ml of Gokhru Kadha. It improves digestion.

2) Benefits in urinary disorders
Gokhru is a powerful remedy for pain during urination, burning sensation in urination and various types of urinary diseases. Mix it with cow’s milk and drink it. It will relieve both pain and burning sensation and also help in stimulating proper urination. It is a mild diuretic which also treats dysuria. who stops

3) Pathari Ya Ashmari Me
Many people are troubled by the problem of stones. Consuming buckwheat removes stones naturally. Take 5 grams of buckwheat powder, add 1 teaspoon of honey and consume it 3 times a day. nikal jati hai

4) Promotion of sexual health and endurance
It is also helpful in improving men’s health. It is a kind of natural antioxidant that increases and improves the production of testosterone and luteinizing hormone. It also treats erectile dysfunction and premature ejaculation.

Powerful spermatogenic properties are found in this powder. This property helps in increasing sperm production. Which is very beneficial in treating asthenozoospermia (i.e. sperm motility), hypospermia (low sperm count), teratospermia (i.e. abnormal sperm size) oligospermia (i.e. low sperm count).

5) In dermatology
It is a kind of natural antioxidant and cleanser. Which treats various signs of aging like: wrinkles, dark circles, spots, fine lines etc. It also reduces acne and pimples. Many people get skin related diseases due to excessive pollution.

Gokhru/Calthrope fruit is very helpful to avoid this. Mix its fruit in water, grind it and apply it on the face. Another method is to prepare a paste by mixing 2 spoons of gokhura powder, 1 spoon of honey, 2-3 spoons of rose water. Apply it on the face and after 15 minutes wash the face with cold water.

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6) In headache
In today’s time stress has increased so much that headaches are common. Many people have a headache. For this, drink 10 to 20 ml of Gokhru/Calthrope decoction in the morning and evening. It will give relief from headache due to increase in bile.

7) Prevent diarrhea
If you have diarrhea and are not getting well then consume Gokhru/Calthrope. 500 mg Gokshurphal Churna ko Mathe ke khana hai. Eat it 2 times a day, it cures diarrhea and indigestion.

8) Treatment of PCOS
PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome) has become a common problem. Hormone imbalance is behind this problem. Which causes weight gain, periods, hair loss, acne etc. PCOS causes great difficulty in conceiving.

Gokhru/Calthrope is an active diuretic. Consuming which removes excess water from the cyst. This also reduces its size. Gokhru boosts the female reproductive organs, maintains hormonal levels in the blood and enhances the maturation of eggs in the rumen.

9) Living in asthma
Many people are suffering from asthma. Take 2 grams of gokhur fruit powder. Consume it 3 times a day with 2-3 dry figs. Consuming it regularly will relieve asthma. Take Gokshur and Ashwagandha in equal quantity. Add 2 spoons of honey to it. You have to consume it 2 times a day with 250 ml of milk. This will relieve weakness and breathing problems.

10) Promotion of cardiac functioning
It is rich in antioxidant nature so that the formulation is very effective in treating heart diseases. Gokshura strengthens the heart muscles. Prevents the formation of lipids in blood vessels. Gokshura contains bioactive components.

It also reduces the level of non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA). Due to which the risk of many diseases such as stroke, heart attacks, blood clots is reduced. It also maintains the level of cholesterol in the blood.


11) Relief from pain

Gokhru/Calthrope has anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties. So that it works to relieve pain and swelling. For this reason, it is widely used to reduce the pain of rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis.

12) For anxiety and depression
Due to the saponin present in gokshura, the serum cortisol level is reduced. So that it is a medicine used in the treatment of anxiety and depression. Gokhru is used as an effective anxiolytic and anti-depressant medicine. It shows its effect on all age groups. People suffering from anxiety and depression should consume it.

13) Boost brain function
Gokhru/Calthrope powder is a natural remedy for enhancing brain function. It contains powerful antioxidants which are helpful in improving a person’s mental development such as: improving alertness, meditation, memory capacity, peace, concentration. Regular consumption of Gokshura Churna improves problem-solving, reasoning, memory and other cognitive abilities. It is very beneficial in the treatment of mental conditions. Consume Gokshura to increase your brain power.

14) Low sperm count in
Men who have the problem of low sperm count should take Gokhru/Calthrope in some form. He who is the father of the father bane ka sukh nahi le pa rahe hai unman liye kokhru bhato benefit hai hai. Boil 20 grams of Gokhru fruits in 250 ml of milk. Drink it in the morning and evening, it reduces problems related to sperm and gives relief. Mix 10 grams of buckwheat and 10 grams of shatavar in 250 ml of milk to increase sperm count and quality. Your physical strength will also increase and weakness will disappear.

15) Uterine colic or uterus pain
For women who are suffering from uterine pain due to some reason, regular consumption of Gokhru is very beneficial. For this, grind together 5 grams of black raisins, 5 grams of gokhru fruit, 2 grams of mulethi and consume it in the morning and evening. This will relieve uterine pain.

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16) Relief in pain of rheumatism or rheumatism
The effect of age is on the body, which has the greatest effect on the body. To get rid of joint pain, make a decoction of one quarter of gokhru fruit in equal quantity and consume it.

17) To increase libido
Gokshura aphrodisiac nature ka hota hai. Which reduces mental stress and anxiety. So that the mind remains calm. It stimulates the libido-enhancing hormone. It increases libido in both men and women and improves fertility in both men and women. It is also very beneficial for men as it increases virility and stamina.

18) For bodybuilding
Gokshura increases muscle strength and improves body composition. If you are a body builder then it helps to increase body strength and increase weight. Those who want to improve their performance should start taking it as some people opt for steroids. It can be harmful if consumed for a long time. Gokshura is a natural herb that delivers benefits without harm.

19) Ear-nose se Khoon bahna
If blood is flowing from the ears and nose, then the cow should be consumed in this way. Take 10 grams of cow’s milk and boil it in 250 ml of milk. Drink it will benefit blood bile.

20) In fever
Fever is common due to change in weather. In this case, the consumption of Gokhru is beneficial. Take 15 grams of gokhru panchang. Boil it in 250 ml water and prepare its decoction. Consume this decoction 4 times a day and it will reduce fever.


Source : Marathi Vishwakosh 


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Faq – 

1 Gokahru plant belongs to which family ?

2 What is the scientific name of gokahru plant ?

3 What are the benefits of gokhru plant ?

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