AyurvedaMedicinal plants

Garlic Vine (Mansoa alliacea)

Garlic Vine (Mansoa alliacea)

Garlic vine (Mansoa alliacea) is a medicinal plant. In this article let’s learn about this plant. It is a tropical plant species. It is a type of vine that climbs other trees. This vine is native to North South America and has further spread to Central America and Brazil. Among the mestizos of the Amazon rainforest, the vine is known by the Spanish-Quechua name of ajo sacha, meaning “wild garlic.”

Garlic Vine (Mansoa alliacea)

Mansoa alliacea has been exported overseas, and grows in the favorable climates of Puerto Rico, South Africa, Thailand and India. It is cultivated in the West Indies. Garlic vine cultivated at Sakuya Konohana Kan, Botanical Garden, Osaka, Japan.

Medicinal properties

Garlic vine has long been used medicinally by indigenous peoples in the Amazon basin. Modern medicine also recognizes that all parts of the garlic vine have medicinal properties and chemicals. The leaves and flowers of the garlic vine are also used medicinally and in recipes as a whole substitute for regular garlic. False Garlic vines can be used as a substitute for garlic in food; it is also used in herbal medicine systems. It is used as an analgesic, anti-inflammatory, anti-rheumatic and anti-pyrrhic. Its leaves are used for cough, cold, flu, and pneumonia.

Garlic Vine (Mansoa alliacea)

How to grow Garlic vine

This plant is a popular ornamental plant in compact, beautiful, and continuous flower tropical gardens. It blossoms twice a year and is covered with abundant flowers. Its flowers begin to turn white on the throat and purple at the top and turn into a lavender light shade over time, and eventually, the white is almost lost. You will find 3 different colors of flowers on the plant at the same time. It can also be grown easily in the containers, but after flowering, it is necessary to sorting when the flower ends.

Location and soil

Garlic vine likes full sun, so choose a place, where there are more than 6 hours of sunshine. Due to its large size and its thought of as tender nature, it is more practical to develop it in outdoor gardens.


Mansoa alliacea plants prefer warm temperatures and cold temperatures in the summer. Normal temperatures throughout the year for Mansoa alliacea is very good. It is hardy for temperatures above 34-36 degrees Fahrenheit, should avoid cold temperatures. In the tropical and sub-tropical areas, it flourishes very well outdoor.

Garlic Vine (Mansoa alliacea)


Garlic vines like moderate water and drained rich organic soil. These plants should be given water regularly. You can water twice a day during hot summers and dry weather.


However, in order to develop garlic vine, there is no need for additional amendments in the soil, but in the growing time the presence of organic fertilizers increases the benefit of the plant, it is also helpful in the production of flowers. Therefore, you should use a liquid fertilizer every two weeks for the active development of these plants or organic fertilizer in the growing period. 

Propagation of Garlic vine

Mansoa alliacea can be propagated very well by cutting; semi-hardwood cutting is good for its propagation. Each stem should have at least 3-4 nodes. For the planting, remove the remaining leaves except for one pair of the above. With a potting mix in a pot, sand and compost together can start the rooting process. The best time to apply stem cutting is rainy. Typically the plant gets rooted in a few weeks, and in almost a month it is ready for re-pot. It can also be propagated by air-leveling or marcotting.

Source : Wikipediya 

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1 In which region does the herb garlic vine grow ?

2 Garlic vine is used as a substitute for who ?

3 What is the preferred temperature for garlic vine ?

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