Durva ( Cynadon dactylon )

Durva ( Cynadon dactylon )


Durva ( Cynadon dactylon ) is a medicinal plant. The scientific name of this plant is Cynadon dactylon and it belongs to Poaceae or Gramineae. This plant is available throughout the year. During the rainy season, hei grows abundantly. This plant flowers in the months of September-October and February-March.

Durva ( Cynadon dactylon )

Medicinal properties of Durva ( Cynadon dactylon )


Durva is a plant with cooling properties.

If the nose bleeds due to heat, Durva juice is squeezed in the nose.

To increase the radiance of the skin, the paste is applied to the face by dividing the durva.

Durvaras is useful in urinary disorders.

Durvaras is taken in the stomach for blood purification.

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Uses of Durva

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of apples
Treats acidity
Durva grass is good in treating acidity. To treat acidity, Sinodon dactylon juice (3-4 teaspoons) and water (1 glass) should be taken in the morning. This mixture is effective not only for acidity but also for stomach ulcers, colitis and stomach infections.

For stomach pain, it is advised to drink Dob grass juice (3-4 teaspoons) and a small amount of ginger powder on the stomach in the morning. It increases alkaline properties and reduces acidity due to its alkaline nature. With regular use of durva grass, the risk of stomach ailments can be reduced besides improving digestion and bowel movements and reducing constipation.

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Boosts immunity
Doab grass is used to boost the body’s immunity. Synodon dactylone contains a bio-chemical compound called synodon dactylone protein fractions (cdpf), which helps in boosting the body’s immunity. It is an easily available and affordable immune booster and energizer.

CDPF promotes immune-modulation by helping the body and adapting the immune system. Antiviral and antimicrobial activity of durva grass helps to boost immune health and fight against various diseases. Read more about foods that can boost your immunity.

Dob grass controls sugar
Several recent studies have proven that Cynodon dactylone has hypoglycemic effects that help control blood sugar levels and reduce fatigue. Durva grass is also beneficial in the prevention of disorders and conditions associated with diabetes.

Dob grass juice with neem leaf juice is good in normalizing blood sugar levels. Even for chronic diabetics, drinking Dob grass juice keeps sugar levels under control. Drinking stomach juices in the morning is good for normalizing sugar levels.

Dob grass for polycystic ovary syndrome, and solves menstrual problems
Doob is good for urinary tract infections. When the juice of the grass is taken with curd, it shows good results for those who are suffering from hemorrhoids and vaginal discharge. Doob Ghas is a good herbal remedy for Pali Cystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS). Durva grass is effective in the case of prolonged menstrual periods. It is suggested that in order to control heavy menstruation, one has to take the juice of doob grass and honey 3-4 times a day.

Durva grass cures constipation
The use of Doob Ghas is helpful in curing stomach related problems. Drinking durva grass juice with water helps to detoxify the body by removing toxins from the body. It is good for acidity and normalizes bowel movements thus beneficial for constipation. It promotes regular bowel movements.

Durva grass for obesity
Durva grass is good for controlling obesity and helps in weight loss. It is suggested that Durva grass juice should be taken twice a day to get good results. Prepare a decoction of shankh ghas (dob ghas) (3tsp), black pepper (not 4-6) and a pinch of cumin. It is recommended that it should be taken twice a day with coconut water or buttermilk.

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Purifies the blood
Durva grass acts as a natural blood purifier and also helps in maintaining blood alkalinity. It is very effective in reducing blood loss due to injury, haemorrhage or excessive blood flow during menstruation. It increases the production of red blood cells which in turn increases the level of hemoglobin in the body and thus prevents anemia.

It cures gum bleeding
Durva grass is effective in treating oral related health problems. It contains a sufficient amount of alkaloids called flavonoids, which work against ulcers. Taking dob grass reduces the formation of phlegm and prevents gum related problems. Durva Ghas Se Dant Hote Hain. It helps to strengthen teeth and remove bad breath.

Cures eye infections and stops nosebleeds
Applying bermuda grass juice on the affected eye area can help control eye infections. If one experiences nosebleeds, Cynodon dactylone is effective in preventing it. For this, 2 drops of Dob grass juice should be applied to the nostrils.

Uses of Durva (Dob) grass
Durva grass is fast growing and hardy, making it popular and useful for playgrounds as it heals quickly when damaged. It is a highly desirable turf grass in warm temperate climates, especially in areas where its heat and drought tolerance enables it to survive where few other grasses do.

This combination makes it the southern and southeastern US. It makes a consistent choice for golf courses. It has a relatively coarse blend with several cultivars selected for different turf requirements. It is also highly aggressive, crowding out most other grasses and invading other habitats, and has become a difficult-to-eradicate weed in some areas.

This strange nature gives some gardeners the name devil grass. All of these items are difficult to find in retail stores because they are primarily marketed to professional landscapers. It was successfully irrigated with brackish water and used for cattle grazing.

Durva Grass Side Effects and Allergies – Durva Grass Side Effects in Hindi
Dhruva grass actually has no side effects, but excess of it sometimes causes problems; Tingling, oral, rash, skin irritation.

Source – दुर्वा


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