


Cinnamon is an evergreen tree belonging to the family Lauraceae and its scientific name is Cinnamomum zeylanicum. This tree is native to Sri Lanka and South East Asia. It is cultivated in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar, Malaysia, Indonesia as well as in tropical regions. This tree is widely cultivated in South India. The material obtained from the trunk and branches of this tree is used in spices. That substance is also commonly called cinnamon.


Cinnamon tree 6–8 m. grows tall. Its branches are somewhat flattened and have fine and deep lines. The bark is thick and dark brown and has a distinctive smell. The leaves are simple, smooth, oblong, lanceolate and pointed. 3–5 major veins emerge from the base of the leaves towards the tip. Inflorescence is terminal (frontal) and terminal and the flowers are small, numerous, bisexual, yellow and smelly. Pods are six, smooth, tubular. The pulp is purple, long and slightly fleshy. The fruit contains a single seed.

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The inner part of the trunk of the cinnamon tree is removed and its pieces (sticks) are dried. These pieces after drying are used as cinnamon. These sticks are ground into powder, called cinnamon powder. It is fragrant, stimulating and carminative and is effective against nausea and vomiting. Cinnamon bark contains 0.5–1.0% oil. This oil gives cinnamon its flavor. This oil mainly contains 60–75% cinnamaldehyde, ethyl cinnamate, eugenol, linalool and other components. The oil is used in sweets, medicines, soaps and toothpastes etc. It is also fungicidal and antiseptic. The oil is also used as an external remedy for bronchitis, headache and toothache. Cinnamon is helpful in expelling gas from the stomach. In Mexico, cinnamon is used in chocolate. Cinnamon is used in various spices in India.


Benefits of Cinnamon


1. Anti-oxidant
Cinnamon is rich in anti-oxidants. In fact, cinnamon contains prosanidins (a chemical compound) that exhibits antioxidant activity. In a study comparing the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, cinnamon was found to be the best. gone

2. Anti-inflammatory activities
Cinnamon has also been confirmed to have anti-inflammatory effects during studies conducted on medicinal plants. Several studies show that both cinnamon and its oil have this effect. According to research, it contains several flavonoid compounds, which exhibit anti-inflammatory activities, and these properties may help reduce inflammation-related problems in the body. Research shows that the water extract of cinnamon is also rich in anti-inflammatory properties

3. Diabetes and blood sugar
The benefits of eating cinnamon may also include controlling diabetes. If diabetic patients include it in their diet, diabetes can be controlled to a great extent. In fact, it has anti-diabetic properties. In addition, another study reported that the polyphenols present in cinnamon can reduce the risk of diabetes by reducing serum glucose and insulin.

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4. Benefits of cinnamon for heart health
Cinnamon can help keep the heart healthy by reducing harmful cholesterol in diabetes A study by NCBI said that among those who consumed one, three and six grams of it, LDL, serum glucose, triglyceride (present in the blood A type of fat) and can help prevent heart diseases by reducing total cholesterol levels. According to an animal study, the components of Cassia cinnamon, cinnamaldehyde and cinnamic acid, exhibit cardioprotective properties. It is considered important for preventing heart disease.

5. Cancer
It can reduce the growth and spread of cancer cells. A study conducted on mice has shown that it has chemopreventive properties. According to research, the antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, apoptosis-inducing activity, anti-proliferative effect of cinnamon act as a chemopreventive agent. Together, these can interfere with the process of making cancer cells and stop them from growing and forming

In addition, it can help reduce the symptoms of other cancers. Another study found that it has anti-cancer properties. Research shows that cinnamon can provide protection against melanoma cancer (skin cancer). If someone is suffering from this illness, he should seek medical treatment as soon as possible.

6. Stomach and digestion
The benefits of eating it include digestion and stomach health. Since ancient times, cinnamon has been used to treat digestive problems. It has anti-microbial properties, which can help fight bacteria that cause infections in the digestive tract and stomach. This property prevents the growth of bacteria like Listeria and Escherichia Coli in food. These bacteria can enter the stomach through food and cause problems. Cinnamon oil can also prevent Candida infection.At present, more research is needed on this topic.


7. Benefits of cinnamon for brain health
Cinnamon home remedies are also considered very beneficial for the brain. It may work to improve brain health by reducing oxidative stress According to research in mice published online June 24, 2016 in the Journal of Neuroimmune Pharmacology, cinnamon consumption may improve memory. It can also increase the ability to learn quickly. Research suggests that this may be due to sodium benzoate produced by consuming it.

At the same time, its also contains phytochemicals, which increase the brain’s ability to use glucose. It can also control the changes in the brain caused by Alzheimer’s disease. In addition, cinnamon may be helpful to some extent in preventing the risk of Parkinson’s disease. The body parts begin to vibrate.

8. Oral health
A study has shown that the oil extracted from it can work to inhibit the activity of a bacteria called Streptococcus mutans. These bacteria are responsible for cavities. At the same time, its use can also have a bad effect on the teeth, so it should be used correctly .

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Cinnamon can also regulate orofacial conditions. It is a pain that affects the mouth, jaw and face. In addition, the anti-bacterial properties present in its oil can also protect the mouth from bacteria.

9. Bronchitis
Bronchitis is a respiratory problem. During bronchitis, the airways inside the lungs become inflamed and infected. In this disease there were problems like breathing difficulty and chest burning. It can also be used to avoid this problem. A study on NCBI’s website states that it can reduce the symptoms of respiratory diseases to some extent.

In the research it is said that S. Pneumonia and M. Catarrhalis bacteria combine to cause chronic bronchitis. The antibacterial properties present in cinnamon can help reduce the effects of these bacteria. Both its oil and its steam have been found to be effective in fighting these bacteria. For this reason, it can be said that it can be helpful in preventing bronchitis

10. HIV
It is not right to depend on any kind of home medicine for a disease like HIV. Any person who becomes infected with HIV should consult a doctor immediately. If you talk about research on HIV and cinnamon, NCBI has research related to it. Research has shown that progenidin, a polyphenol present in it, exhibits anti-HIV-1 activity.

11. Benefits of cinnamon for weight control
Benefits of its are believed to include weight control. Nowadays, increasing weight or obesity has become a concern for almost every second-third person. In this case, if it is consumed in food, this problem can be reduced to some extent. Polyphenols (Polyphenols) present in cinnamon are a type of anti-oxidant, which can improve insulin sensitivity. Insulin regulates the level of glucose in the blood, but when the body cannot produce the right amount of insulin, the blood sugar level rises.

As a result, the risk of obesity, diabetes and many other diseases increases. According to a research, for women who have polycystic ovarian disease (Polycystic Ovarian Disease), it can control weight by reducing insulin resistance. Tattva can reduce obesity .


12. Fungal infection
Benefits of cinnamon include reducing fungal infections. In fact, it has anti-fungal properties, which can help protect the body from fungal infections and reduce associated symptoms. Can you help me fight?

13. Skin health
Benefits of it include skin health. One research mentions that the anti-inflammatory properties present in cinnamon can protect a person from skin diseases. Its use can also reduce mild to moderate acne. For this reason, skin gel containing it is also available in the market. Anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties of it can reduce pimples and blemishes. Also, a mixture of it and honey can help kill pimple-causing bacteria .

It keeps the skin young, as it prevents the destruction of collagen and can maintain the elasticity of the skin. According to a study, cinnamon increases collagen biosynthesis, which can reduce anti-aging problems to some extent. It also has wound healing properties. For skin health, a pinch of cinnamon powder mixed with honey can be applied on the face.

This article is for information only and consult your doctor for proper treatment . 

Source – Marathi vishwakosh 




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