Chuka/Bladder dock


Chuka/Bladder dock – (Ambat Chuka , Kannada- Hulichuk , Gujarati – Chakani Bhaji , Sanskrit – Chukrika , English – Bladder dock, Sorrel , Latin – Rumex vesicarius , Cul-Polygonaceae). Ms. 15 – 30 cm tall erect perennial herb (lives one year)  Medicinal origin of West Punjab and spread all over India but also in Pakistan, Afghanistan, Iran and North Africa.

It is widely cultivated for vegetables. Branches arising from base Leaves simple (2·5 — 7·5 cm. long), alternate (opposite), somewhat fleshy, whitish, ovate, large angled leaflets thin and tubular Flowers unisexual (female and male flowers different on the same plant) And on the opposite side of the leaves, they come on the tips. Sepals six, inner thin, rounded and reticulated hairs six keel, trilobed and bijak (seed prepuce) single [→ flower]. Carpel (hard, dry and non-spontaneous fruit) white or pink and sharp. Chuka leaves are astringent, refrigerant (cooling), mild laxative, diuretic (urinary) and stampak (intestinal astringent). The juice is applied to toothache. The juice of the leaves reduces appetite and increases appetite. It is said to reduce stomach heat and pain from scorpion and other stings. The method is to roast the seeds and take them for dysentery. Young trees are leafy .

Must Read – Sandalwood

Its cultivation season is monsoon and winter. It needs medium black soil. The land is plowed twice and 20 — 25 tons of cow dung is added to the hectare and covered with 3·6 X 1·8 m. Steams. Among them four to four and a half kg per hectare. Plant seeds. Water is given as soon as the seeds are planted. Further water is given every eight to ten days. After five to six weeks of sowing, the crop is ready for sale. Crop growth slows down during hot summer days. Varkhats are not usually given. The yield of leafy vegetables per hectare is 4,000 — 5,000 kg. comes .

Diseases: Kevada and Tambera are two diseases found on chukka. Kevada disease causes fungal growth on the underside of the leaf and yellow spots appear on the upper side. Bordeaux mixture is sprayed on the crop to kill the disease. Due to copper blight, purple spots appear on the leaves. This disease is rare.

Medicinal Uses of Sour Chuka/Bladder dock Vegetable


Chuka is a medicinal plant, leaves and seeds are used in medicine. This plant is very sour, purgative (breaks stool lumps), deep, cooling, anti-inflammatory and analgesic properties.

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Chuka is useful in heart disease, chest pain, constipation, spleen disease, hiccups, flatulence, asthma, bronchitis, indigestion, vomiting and piles.

This plant is fast acting as a muscle digester and dissolves iron.
It is choleretic. It is useful in Vanshul, Gulm, Spleen and Adavarta disorders.

It is used along with other medicines in asthma, indigestion and indigestion.
Bugs are used on the bites and stings of poisonous animals such as scabies, cods, scorpions and dragonflies.
This plant has anti-inflammatory and appetite suppressant properties.
Rub onion juice on the headache.

-Chuka leaves are cooling, mild laxative and diuretic.
-Leaves juice is useful in toothache. It is also used as an anti-inflammatory.
Buckwheat seeds are cool and nutritious. The seeds are roasted and given in dysentery. Chuka is used in diseases of the digestive tract. The leaves are split and applied to the swelling.

Medicinal properties of Chuka vegetable


Leaves, young branches and stems are used to prepare vegetables.

Like to read – Gokarna/Butterfly pea

This vegetable is sour-sweet and reduces vata dosha. It is easy to digest and brings flavor to food. If you do not feel hungry or if you do not eat even when you are hungry, the wrong vegetable makes you hungry, eats well and improves digestion. As this vegetable is cold, it is used in heat disorders like inflammation of limbs, urethritis, etc.

Patients who feel hot inflammation in the intestines, stomach and vomit, should eat chukka vegetables regularly.
In this disorder of dysentery (amoebiosis) the food comes out without digesting it and the body is not nourished properly, in this case eating the wrong vegetable improves the digestion and the stool gets tied up and gives good marks.

Chuka bhaji mixed with brinjal vegetable tastes ‘atirochani’ i.e. very tasty, hence the alternative name of chukka is ‘rochni’.

Source – Marathi Vishwakosh 

चुका भाजी



Herbal tea / Lemon grass

Faq – 

1 Chuka vegetables are cultivated in which season ?

2 What diseases are caused by vegetables ?

3 What are the benefits of Sour Chuka vegetable ?

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