

Today, in this article, let’s learn about the Castor/Erand plant . Classical classification
Family: Euphorbiaceae
Castor (English: Castor bean plant ; Latin: Ricinus communis) is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant that grows in India. Castor seeds are called castor. Oil is extracted from the seeds.


place of origin
Castor plant is mainly found in countries like India, China, Brazil, Thailand, Philippines, South Africa etc. India is the largest producer of castor in the world. Castor is mainly cultivated in the Indian states of Gujarat, Maharashtra, Andhra Pradesh and Rajasthan.

Castor tree grows up to about 2 to 4 meters tall. This tree is found in the wild as well as cultivated in fields. Its leaves, seeds, root and oil are used medicinally.
Leaves – greenish-red in color are long and pointed like fingers.
Fruit – bilobed, round in shape and with soft spines.
Seeds – Black smoky color with white lines and dots. They are called castor.


Type of Castor/Erand

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White – It has two subtypes a) Small – Its seed oil and root are used in medicine. B) Large – Its leaves are used in medicine.
Tambada – Its oil is more pungent, used in special medicines.
Type according to life
Varshayu – A small tree that lives for about one year.
Perennial – A tree that lives for many years, with large seeds and fruits.

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Castor is used in Ayurveda.

Rheumatism, Jaundice, Chronic Constipation, Hemorrhoids, Indigestion, Rheumatism, Colic, Vaginitis, Leprosy, Elephantiasis, Swelling, Worms, Foot-burn, etc. Castor is used medicinally for many disorders. In ancient times, castor oil was used to fuel lamps, to treat various diseases such as inflammation of the pancreas and also for pregnant women in childbirth. Consuming castor leaves, seeds, oil etc. in excess or for a long time can cause vomiting, diarrhoea, weakness of the stomach and intestines. Side effects appear.

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Castor/Erand oil is used for rubbing as it is carminative, analgesic and anti-inflammatory.
Castor leaves are heated and tied on the painful area.
Kajal prepared with proper mixture of castor seeds, cow ghee and bhimsen camphor is used in case of dark eyes.
Medicines made from castor
Gandharva Haritaki is the gum powder simmered in castor oil. Castor leaves are very soft like the palm of Gandharva. Hence this Churna is naturally named as Gandharva Haritaki Churna.
Castor bean
Castor Porridge: For those who are new to castor oil, the husks of fresh castor seeds are removed, the seeds are mixed with milk and a little sugar and ghee are added to make porridge.
Castor oil softens the mucous membrane of the intestine and thus loosens the fecal masses and passes them down. Castor oil acts on the small intestine.
Anupana is ginger juice with castor oil.
Oil is extracted from castor seeds.
It is used as a pain reliever. Castor is used for many diseases like cough, phlegm, rheumatism, kidney disease, fever. Castor is also used in Ayurveda in certain quantity.


Other Information: Castor/Erand is also used in other preparations; So there are two types of castor tree, white and red. As an adjunct, farmers use it by cultivating castor.

Varieties of Castor/Erand

Castor, Wild : (Hin. Wild Castor, Undarbibi Sam. Nikumbha K. Tottagid La. Jatropha glandulifera Cul-Euphorbiaceae). This small evergreen tree is distributed in tropical regions of Africa, Sri Lanka and India (Bengal and Maharashtra) etc. is in the region. It has pale yellow juice. Branching (split into two branches) is often seen in the trunk. Leaves long-stalked, alternate (one to the other), equal in length and width, 3–5 lobed, palmate, toothed subpetals long hairlike and divided. On a single plant, the unisexual, greenish-yellow flowers are borne in axils on the peduncle [→ Puspabandha], similar to the gills. Leaves, sub-leaves, stems and flowers are all covered with glandular hairs, giving rise to the generic term in the Latin name. Male flowers with eight connate stipules at the base of the pistil, peduncled and small Female flowers only 5 sepals erect, 2–4 sepals with a single seed in each sepal [→ flower] Boll small trilobed, seeds black and glabrous. The seed oil is purgative in rheumatism, chronic ulcers, wounds, nits, paralysis, etc. The juice of the tree is used to remove the eyeballs.

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Mowgli Castor : (Hin. Wild-hill Castor Gu. Wild Castor C. Adalu Dodda No. Akhuparnica In. Barbados Physic Nut La. Jatropha curcas Cul-Euphorbiaceae). It is a large deciduous shrub of the genus Jatropha and is native to the tropical regions of America. It is found everywhere in India. Cultivated for fences along fields. Leaves simple, alternate (one after the other), cordate, 3–5 segmented. Flowers unisexual, yellowish green, orbicular, borne on a panicled peduncle [→ Inflorescence Euphorbiaceae]. The pods are oval black and cracked into three lobes. The seeds are astringent, anthelmintic and laxative. Efficacious against scabies, eczema and natyaya. When the gums are swollen, the young brush their teeth with the branches. Leaf extract and poultice are applied to breast for lactation. The seeds contain ‘cursin’, a poison. The tree is poisonous.




Health benefits of castor seeds

Mentioned below are the best health benefits of apples
Helps in curing arthritis
Arthritis is a broad term used for joint and muscle diseases, which can cause chronic diseases in the human body. Castor/Erand seeds are rich in oleic acid, ricinoleic acid, linoleic acid and other fatty acids, all of which are highly effective in treating arthritis-related ailments. Castor seeds are actually effective in treating arthritis, a specific condition that can cause pain, burning and sudden swelling in the joints.

Benefits for new mothers
The benefits of Castor/Erand seeds start in the stage of labor, castor seeds and castor oil are helpful in inducing labour. There are times when a woman is in extreme pain but labor does not start as smoothly as one would expect. This usage can be very helpful. After the baby is born, one of the most important aspects is feeding the baby. If the mother is facing difficulties in this, then castor seeds can be very good for encouraging the lactation process. Galactagogue properties Castor seeds are highly beneficial for their emmenagogue nature, making the seeds perfect for stimulating milk secretion. Castor oil improves the quality of milk by facilitating the flow of milk. The high content of healthy fatty acids in castor seeds ensures that new mothers have a normal supply of milk and that this milk supply continues to increase as the baby grows.

Helps in controlling pregnancy
From birth to preventing pregnancy, Castor/Erand seeds cover the entire spectrum. As discussed earlier, castor seeds contain high levels of the toxic protein ricin. This protein, used in very low doses, is quite effective for birth control. The fact that castor oil is equal to the effect of disinfectants makes it a great ingredient for spermicidal lotions, gels and creams.

Good for skin
The biggest benefit of castor seeds and castor oil is their effectiveness in fighting skin related diseases. Using castor seed oil helps fight acne, stretch marks, dryness and sunburn among other things. Castor oil oil is one of the most widely used ingredients for skin creams worldwide that claim to treat stretch marks. Equally effective are castor seeds for treating skin infections and yeast and fungal infections, warts and many other such issues. Castor oil also works well as a skin moisturizer. Being rich in fatty acids, this oil can easily penetrate your skin, providing relief from dry and chapped skin. Being odorless adds to its benefits as you don’t get any weird smell when you apply it on your face.

Helps to reduce menstrual pain
During menstruation, many women suffer from abdominal cramps and severe pain and some also suffer from interrupted and delayed menstruation. Excessive bleeding can also make women anemic, which in turn can cause depression and insomnia. Ricinoleic acid found in castor seeds eases menstrual flow and relieves extreme pain along with cramps.

Remedies for Arthritis
Arthritis is known to be an extremely painful disease for the bones and joints, and in some severe cases the patient may even suffer from disability to a great extent. The extreme level of pain caused by arthritis can be reduced to a great extent by regular use of castor seed oil, massage it on the affected areas. Castor seeds can be used to provide relief from nerve inflammation, sore throat, joint pain and all other consequences of arthritis.

Treats constipation
Castor seeds have long been considered a highly effective remedy for constipation. Castor oil acts as a great laxative and eases bowel movements if one is suffering from constipation. Just one teaspoon of castor oil in the morning makes a beneficial home remedy. One can take a juice with a teaspoon of oil to avoid the bitter taste. However, you should be very careful in using castor seeds for laxatives and avoid using them for more than three days to prevent diarrhea symptoms.

Effective antimicrobial properties
All kinds of fungal infections, scratches, cuts and scrapes can be treated using castor seeds. Castor seed oil is widely used as a treatment to relieve pain and itching in children. External wounds and deep wounds can be treated quite effectively using castor seed oil.

Promotes child development
Apart from many health benefits, castor seeds work like a charm to promote hair growth. Castor seed oil is an essential part of a large number of hair care products. The oil nourishes the hair from the roots and makes it strong while promoting growth. Castor seeds are also a remedy to treat split ends and control the problem of hair breakage.

Source : Wikipediya 



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Faq – 

1 Where is the castor plant mainly found ?

2 How is castor plant used as a pain reliever ?

3 What are the types of castor plant ? 

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