Bakul ( Bullet wood )

Bakul ( Bullet wood )


Bakul ( Bullet wood ) plant in other languages. Bakuli, Babli Hindi – Mulsari Gujarati – Barsuli, Bolsari Kannada – Halmaddu, Golsar Sanskrit – Anangka, Shardika, Bakul English – Indian Medlar, Bullet wood Latin – Mimusops Elegy Cul-Sapotaceae.

Bakul ( Bullet wood )

Buckwheat is an evergreen tree belonging to the Sapotaceae family and its scientific name is Mimusops elegani. The chiku and moh trees also belong to the Sapotaceae family. Buckwheat is found in the warm regions of the continents of South and Southeast Asia as well as Northern Australia. In India it occurs in the forests of Konkan and South India as well as in the Andaman Islands. The Bakul tree provides dense shade and its flowers are fragrant. Hence it is planted as an ornamental tree in gardens.

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Bakul tree Su. 16 m. grows tall. Its head is like a dome and the bark is thick and dark brown or black with lines and slits on it. Branches and twigs have a white tinge. Leaves simple, bright green, alternate, smooth, ovate, 5–12 cm. long and 2–5 cm. are wide. Flowers appear in April and are fragrant. The flowers are small, yellowish white and stellate and appear singly or in clusters. The fruit is large and green when unripe, orange-yellow when ripe. Ripe fruits are soft and sweet. The fruit contains 1–3 large seeds.

Bakul ( Bullet wood )

The bark of bakuli trunk is astringent. Its decoction is useful for toothache and dental complaints. The aromatic substance obtained from the flowers is mixed with perfumes and oils. If the powder of the flowers is smoked like brown, it reduces headache. Toothpaste is made from the bark and fruits. It is good for the health of gums and teeth. Ripe fruits make marmalade or pickle. Buckwheat wood is expensive.

Read also – Pimple ( Peepal tree ) 

Uses of the  Bakul ( Bullet wood )


After studying the properties of the wood of this plant, the British used this tree extensively in the industries of railway sleepers, construction of railway baggage storage, shipbuilding and because the wood of this tree is widely used in rural areas, these trees have become rare. According to scientists Pearson and Brown, the wood of this tree is good for carving. This wood has been used for building construction and large construction works. The wood is yellowish in color, firm, heartwood and life rings are not immediately visible in this wood. The wood was well polished. Fine carving works well on this wood. Mathematical instruments were made from the wood of these trees. The wood is in good demand as it is strong and durable and free from defects. The wood of this tree is also used for combs, toys, furniture.

Bakul ( Bullet wood )

Benefits of Bakul ( Bullet wood ) Tree :-


In earlier times, dentifrices were made from the bark and trunk of the bakuli tree to keep teeth and gums strong.

If the dried flowers of bakuli are kept in the closet, the clothes will not get cockroaches.

If you eat the orange fruits of bakuli trees, it stops the bleeding from the teeth and also relieves the tooth disorder.

Source – Marathi vishwakosha 



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