


In this article we are going to learn about the medicinal plant Amarvel/Dodder. (Akashvel, Nirmuli; English . Dodder; Latin . Cuscuta reflex; Kull-Convolvulaceae). This leafless and rootless parasite, a vine without leaves or roots, which feeds on other plants, is widespread throughout India (in the low plains and the Deccan Plateau up to an altitude of 2,480 m) and grows on many trees in gardens and causes their destruction. When its seed takes root in the soil, a fibrous stem emerges from it. But soon it dies unless it receives the trunk of another plant for nourishment; If found, it grows around it and the microscopic sucker or very small sucker organ from its trunk penetrates into another (shelter) trunk and takes food from it.


At this time, his relationship with the land ends. In her lineage like Amarveli, Su. There are 100 species and all of them are distributed in warm temperate regions. Its trunk is very long, smooth, pale greenish yellow with branches and sometimes fine red spots on it. Flowers are solitary or in panicles of 2-4 flowers or panicles in January-February. The flower structure and general physical characteristics are as described in the family Convolvulaceae. Perianth [petal] white, tubular; Petals are triangular, outward (bent outwards). Bond rounded, fine and smooth; An annular fissure near the base [fruit] 2-4 black seeds emerge. Biyant Pushka [seeds] are abundant and Dalika is very poor; Embryo slender and spiral. B is carminative, anthelmintic and health restorative. trunk laxative; It is useful to apply it externally in itching and to take internally in continuous fever. Fant is used to wash ulcers. The trunk is given in cholera. The seeds contain the pigments ‘amarveline’ and ‘cuscutin’ and wax.


Amarvel/Dodder : (Akashvel). The same name is applied to a similar leafless, vivacious, fragile latex (Cassitha filiformis) in the family Lauraceae. This herb is found all over India, but especially on some other shrubs or trees along the coast. Its trunk is yellowish green and has a branched network of fine fibers; As it grows on the shelter-plant, it penetrates its small suckers and absorbs the food sap. Its small, bisexual white, sessile flowers appear in sparse panicles [inflorescences] in September; the slender white drupes are surrounded by a fleshy pericarp. Birds cause seed dispersal. This plant is nutritious and restorative and is useful in bilious disorders, skin diseases, chronic dysentery, urinary disorders etc. Its powder from sesame seeds is good to apply on the hair; Also, in eye inflammation, its juice is added to the eyes with a little sugar. Chronic ulcers are applied by mixing butter, ginger and amaranth powder.

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Benefits of Amarvel/Dodder

A medicine in Ayurveda known as Amarvel is capable of rooting out many diseases in our body. This amaryllis looks greenish yellow in color and has no leaves. Amarvel/Dodder is wrapped around the tree. Amarveli extract gives strength to the body to ward off diseases. This draw is made as follows.

– Cook a little amaranth in a glass of water and boil it well until one-third of the water remains. After that strain it and consume it. Drink this decoction in the morning on an empty stomach or drink it once a day. Apart from this, Amarvel can also be consumed dry. In addition, powder of amaranth should be made and used as a powder. For this, take one spoon of amaranth powder in hot water and consume it.


So let’s go ahead and take a look at the benefits of consuming amaranth as follows:-

1) Improves Immunity – Amarvel contains antioxidant properties, hence it protects us from diseases. Hence consumption of amaranth increases immunity which is necessary to fight against diseases. So that any infectious diseases stay away from your body.

2) Relief from diabetes – Amarvel is very beneficial in diabetes. Consuming amaranth reduces the level of glucose in the body and helps in getting rid of diabetes.

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3) Liver Protection – Drink amaranth extract to detoxify the liver. This will flush out all the impurities in the liver and keep you safe from liver diseases.

4) Strong bones – Amaranth is rich in calcium and protein. which strengthens bones. So consuming amritveli fills the calcium deficiency in the body and strengthens the bones. This relieves joint pain, knee pain, back pain.

5) Vision Improvement – Consuming amaranth improves eyesight. Also the glasses go away. Both amaranth powder and extract are effective for this.


6) Hair Care – Consuming amaranth improves blood circulation. Which makes hair grow and also makes hair strong. For this, boil 50 grams of amaranth in 1 liter of water and wash your hair with that water. This will stop hair loss and prevent premature graying of hair. Also, hair grows faster.

7) Cash on Cancer – According to a research, Amaranth destroys cancer cells. Because daily consumption of amaranth prevents the growth of cancer cells in the body and protects against the risk of cancer.

Source : Helloaarogya

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Faq – 

1 When does Amarvel bloom ?

2 Does amarvel have leaves ?

3 What are the benefits of Amarvel ?

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