
Almond is a deciduous tree belonging to the Rosaceae family and its scientific name is Prunus dulcis. Roses and pears also belong to the family Rosaceae. It is believed that the almond tree originated in Iran and may have spread elsewhere. It is currently cultivated in Southern Europe, United States of America (California), Australia and South Africa. There are two types of almonds namely sweet almonds and bitter almonds. The seeds of Prunus dulcis dulcis are sweet and the seeds of Prunus dulcis amara are bitter. Almond kernels are the seeds of the almond plant.

Almond tree Can grow up to 12m tall. The diameter of the trunk is Rs. 30 cm. is The young branches are green at first and then turn purplish to gray due to exposure to sunlight. Leaves simple, alternate, lanceolate and 7–12 cm. It is long and the edges are serrated. Flowers come singly or in pairs. Sweet almond flowers are pale pink in color, while bitter almond flowers are dark pink in color. The fruit is ovate and one-seeded. Almond seeds are flat, wrinkled and taste sweet or bitter. Sweet almonds are smaller in size, while bitter almonds are larger.

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Almonds contain 14 types of amino acids. Among them, the amount of glutamic acid is the highest and the amount of aspartic acid is below that. The oil between sweet almonds and bitter almonds is similar. Bitter almonds contain glucosides such as amygdalin and prunacin. Hydrogen cyanide is formed by the action of vicars on them. Therefore, excessive consumption of bitter almonds is fatal. The cyanide-containing compounds in the oil obtained from bitter almonds are isolated and used as almond oil. But if it is to be planted, sweet almond trees are used.

Almonds are an ingredient in dried fruits and are used in sweets, ice creams and cakes. It is used as food for diabetic patients due to its low sugar content and high fiber content. 100 gr. From Almonds 21·7 gr. Carbohydrates, 49 gr. Fat, 21 gr. Proteins as well as minerals containing calcium, magnesium and potassium, E and B-group vitamins are available. So almonds are nutritious. Consuming almonds is believed to be helpful in increasing the good cholesterol (HDL) in the blood and lowering the bad cholesterol (LDL). Therefore, almonds are useful for people with heart disorders and high blood pressure. Its oil softens and brightens the skin. Hence oil is used in cosmetics. Almonds are cultivated all over the world. United States of America, Spain, Iran, Morocco and Italy are leading countries in its production.

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Benefits of eating almonds

1) Almonds are beneficial for improving memory. Almonds
Regular consumption makes the eyes bright.

2) Consuming almonds reduces colds and flu. at night
If soaked almonds and warm milk are taken at bedtime
Reduces cold.

3) Almonds can satisfy hunger for some time. So hungry
A few Arabat charbats are soaked rather than eaten
Eat almonds. Temporarily relieves hunger.

4) Doctor advice to eat almonds also in diet
Even if you eat 12-15 almonds for breakfast, it is too much
is So many almonds is your one-time breakfast

5) Diabetic people if they eat almonds
Sugar level remains under control.

6) Many people remove the skin of wet almonds.
But instead of doing that, eat it with almonds. Because of this
It helps to increase blood levels in the body.

7) Almonds are high in copper. Almond blood
Helps to purify.

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8) Consuming almonds reduces hair loss.

9) Antioxidant components of almonds in the body
Helps lower cholesterol. Because of this
It helps to reduce stress on the heart and
Prevents heart diseases.

This article is for information only.

Source – Marathi vishwakosha 



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