Medicinal plants

Adulsa/Malabar Nut Tree

Adulsa/Malabar Nut Tree

Adulsa/Malabar Nut Tree is an evergreen shrub in the Acanthaceae family. Its scientific name is Adhatoda vasica. It is found in India, Sri Lanka, Myanmar and Malaysia. This plant is planted along fields in Konkan and Deccan plateaus in Maharashtra. Adulsa Ms. 1.2-2.4 m. grows tall. Adulsa genus Adhatoda zeylanica Medic and scientific name is (Adhatoda vasaka Nees). The leaves are simple, medium in size and long. Flowering occurs at the tip of the branch between August and November. Flowers are white in color. The fruit is long and pointed. The roots, bark, leaves, flowers and fruits of dulse are used in medicine.

Adulsa medicine is widely used for Kapha, Asthma, Cough and various respiratory ailments. From the mentions in Ayurveda, it seems that this medicinal plant has been used since about 2000 years ago. Many Ayurvedic medicines have been prepared from Adulsha. Leaf juice is effective in diarrhoea. A mixture of its juice, honey, sunth, pepper and pimpli is applied to cough and cough. The leaves contain the alkaloid vasicine and adathodic acid. This plant is also used for heart diseases.

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Common Names : Marathi-Adulsa, Adusa, Vasa Vasaka, Gujarati.-Adsoge, Aduso, Ardusi, Hindi.-Adalso, Arusho, Vasaka, Kannada Adsala, Adumuttada, Adusoge, Sanskrit. Simhika, Vasaka, Atrush.

Description : Dense shrubs 1.2 to 2.8 m tall, branches opposite, ascending. Leaves: 12-20 X 4-6 cm. Elliptical, obtuse. Upper leaves are dark green and purple below.

Flowers: In racemes, at the ends of branches, calyx tubular, white, with pink streaks,

Fruit: Fruit mace-shaped, spiky, spherical, oblong, tubular. Flower Time : August-November.

Habitat: Produced in most places, grows in fallow places in some places.

Location: Abundant in fences throughout Maharashtra State, Deccan and Konkan.

Distribution: India, Sri Lanka, Malaya, South-East Asia.

Useful parts: roots, leaves, fruits and flowers.

Description of Adulsa/Malabar Nut Tree

The leaves of Adulsa are large and spear-shaped. Fruits have a shell. Each fruit contains 4 seeds. Flowers are white or purple. The native place of Adulsha is India. It has two varieties, white and black. It has white flowers. The tree grows about 2.5 to 3 m tall. It is a small shrub 0·6 – 1·2 m. Tall and native to China, but now grown in India as an ornamental plant around steam plants, grows well in shade. It has a pungent smell and leaves are simple, long trunk, branches and stems are densely tufted. The flowers are small, pale and very inferior in appearance. General physiological symptoms occur immediately with newly planted cuttings as described in the Acanthaceae genus. The leaves are bitter and hot and are given in jaundice and jaundice. Decoction of leaves and young leaves is effective in chronic rheumatism. This plant is febrifuge and carminative.

Attribute of Adulsa/Malabar Nut Tree

The root is useful in impetigo, hot flashes, white spots. The tree is bitter, producing mucus. Carminative, useful in bronchitis. Useful (Ayurveda) in leprosy, impurity of blood, heart disease, thirst, asthma, fever, vomiting, amnesia, colic, tuberculosis, jaundice, tumor, mouth disease. Roots are useful in diuretic, cough, asthma, biliousness, eye disorders, fever, parma, menstruating flowers are useful (Unani) to reduce hot summers and jaundice by improving blood circulation. Radishes, leaves, flowers, are used medicinally. Adulsa is very effective against cold, cough, asthma, etc. According to Ayurveda, it is useful for diseases like cough, jaundice, asthma, breath, phlegm, tuberculosis, tridosh, mouth, kidney failure, swelling etc.

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Usage of Adulsa

Roots, leaves and flowers are useful in indigenous medicine for colds, phlegm, bronchitis and asthma. Leaf juice with ginger or honey is effective in chronic bronchitis and asthma. Dried leaves are made into cigarettes and used in asthma. Leaf juice is used in diarrhea and dysentery. Powder of leaves is used in South India in winter fever. The leaves are used in rheumatism as a poultice on the joints as well as in swelling and neuralgia. Leaves are toxic to microscopic organisms, leaf extract in alcohol is toxic to flies, fleas, maggots, mosquitoes and other insects (WAT). It is an Ayurvedic medicinal plant that grows in India. In Ayurveda, this plant is used for cough. Its flowers are also used as a decoction.

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Adulsa is known by these different names in Indian languages

Hindi-Arukha, Adsa, Vasak
Tamil- Addadoi
Telugu-Adhasaram, Andapaku
English- Malabar Nut Tree
Latin- Justicia adhatoda, (Adhatoda Vasica)

Benefits of using Adulsa

Adulsa leaves are very beneficial for those suffering from constant headaches. For this, take dulse leaves and make a paste of it and apply it on the head. It causes headaches.

Respiratory disorders
Many suffer from respiratory disorders. Such as asthma, breathing problems, chest congestion. For that, drink dulse juice. Add honey and pimpli chatan to this juice and take it. It helps to get rid of respiratory disorders. It also reduces asthma.

Renal disease
If there is constant urination, if there is difficulty in urination, split the leaves of Adulsha and put Kalingada seeds in it. Then consume it.

Adulsa is expectorant. A decoction of dulsa leaves helps to dissolve phlegm.

Menstrual problems
Women who have problem of irregular menstruation should take adula extract.

The wound heals quickly
Adulsha leaves are finely divided and tied on the wound, the wound heals quickly.

Source : wikipediya 


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1 What is the scientific name of adulsa plant ?

2 What size are the flower cells of adulasa plant ?

3 How do you use adulasa plant to heal wounds ?

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